Chapter 21: A Hypothetical Situation

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Chapter 21: A Hypothetical Situation

MARCH 1, 1997

"It's Ron's birthday today," Charlie said from the table. He was hunched over some paperwork, his broad shoulders slumped.

"Is it really? How old is he now?" I asked.

"Seventeen," Charlie said. "He's getting so old. Isn't it a little scary to think that he's allowed to do magic outside of the school now?"

"A little," I admitted and approached Charlie, looking over his shoulder at his paperwork. "That looks boring."

"It is," he said and tilted his head back to look at me. "You look more interesting... Hey."

"Was that supposed to be a pickup line or something?"

"Maybe. You know, when I was still at Hogwarts, Bill taught me a bunch of pickup lines because he was concerned about my not having a girlfriend by the time I turned sixteen."

"Really?" I asked and walked around his chair so that I could see his face.

"Yeah," he said, pushing his chair back.

"Can you tell me one?"

"Hey, baby, are you a standard size two pewter cauldron? Because I'd love to fill you with my potion."

"That's revolting; I love it. Do you have any more?"

"I can only remember the ones about cauldrons," he said and held his arms out as an invitation.

"That's a shame," I teased and grabbed his hands, standing in front of him. "I was kind of into it."

"Were you?" he asked and pulled me closer to him, spinning me around by my hips and pulling me into his lap. "I could probably come up with some better ones on my own."

"When do you have to go to work?" I asked, leaning back into his chest. He circled his arms around my waist.

"Eleven-thirty," he said and nuzzled his face into my neck. "You?"

"Noon," I answered. "That gives us a little bit of time to do whatever- or whoever- we want."

"Very discreet," he commented with a chuckle and pressed a kiss into my hair.

I smiled and let my eyes slide shut as Charlie's hands wandered up the front of my shirt, tracing over the contours of my skin.

"Charlie, we don't have much time. You have to be to work in an hour," I reminded him as his fingertips continued their slow expedition.

"Be patient," he said. "I'm deciding what I want to do with you."

I grabbed his arm and led his hand to the waistband of my pants. His laugh came out in the form of an exhale. Charlie dipped his fingers into my pants and let his hand rest against my skin.

"Merlin, Charlie, do I have to do it myself?" I whined and squirmed in his lap.

"I think I want to taste you," he said close to my ear.

"Yeah, okay," I said, trying to ignore the way my stomach was flipping at the sound of his voice.

"Up," he said and pulled his hands away from me. I stood. Charlie was on his feet almost immediately. He turned me to face him and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. With a yelp, I placed my hands on his lower back to steady myself.

"Damn it, Charles. You're such an ass," I said as he hooked his arms around my legs.

"You're a brat," he said and smacked the back of my thigh lightly.

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