Chapter 2: Percy

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Chapter 2: Percy

May 1996

"It's secret in that we don't want the ministry to know about it," Dumbledore explained from his place at the head of the table. "As far as we know, the whole of the ministry has been infiltrated, and it is safe to assume that all" -he looked at Mrs. Weasley before darting his eyes away- "most of the ministry workers are knowingly following Voldemort."

Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips and looked down at the surface of the table.

"However, we also must be mindful in who we tell about the Order as it is just as easy to be reported to the ministry as to tell them ourselves. There may be temptation to tell others about our operations but I strongly advise against doing so, unless you are sure that they are not one of his followers," Dumbledore finished before nodding shortly and sitting.

"It's also important that we find new members, though," Lupin said and stood. "I would recommend those who fought against him prior or those who you know very closely. Be mindful. Just because one opposes He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named outwardly does not mean that they are safe. In fact, that could very well be a trap to find those in opposition."

"So, find new people without associating with any new people? Sounds simple enough," Sirius commented from across from Lupin, his feet propped on the table. "I could do that."

"You are not going to be finding anyone," Lupin said. "You're still wanted by the ministry, in case you've forgotten."

"Dumbledore said it himself. The ministry is more concerned about finding people who oppose You-Know-Who, not me. I'm old news," Sirius said.

"No, you're not," Lupin said simply. "There are ways that you can help from here."

Sirius grunted and tipped his chair back.

"Oh, would you please get your feet off the table?" Mrs. Weasley snapped suddenly, uttering the first words she had since the meeting started. "You act like you were raised by dogs!"

"Ironic, aye, Moony?" Sirius asked and made a show out of putting his feet on the ground. "I was raised by a blood purist, for your information, and I decided that I would rather act like a dog than act like her, but if you'd rather me act the latter-"

"Sirius," Lupin said. "Mrs. Weasley, please, we're all a little on edge-"

"Is your son possibly fighting for the man you risked everything to remove from power?" she asked before she pushed herself up and stormed out of the room.

"War brings out the worst in us," Dumbledore said quietly and pressed his fingertips together. "But even worse is love."

"I'll go talk to her," I volunteered and stood to follow after Mrs. Weasley.

I found her on the first floor in the room with the tapestry.

"Mrs. Weasley," I called tentatively from the doorway.

She sniffled quietly before she cleared her throat.

"Yes, dear?"

"You okay?" I asked and walked farther into the room. She patted the spot beside her on the couch.

"If I ask you a question, will you be honest with me?"

"Of course," I answered.

"Have you heard from him at all? Percy, I mean," she clarified.

"No, not since..."

She nodded and sniffled again.

"I don't know if I would have rather you did or not," she admitted. "I want to know that he's safe but to know that he would have spoken with you before his mother..."

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