Chapter 15: How Long?

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Chapter 15: How Long?

When I arrived home, Charlie was waiting on the couch. He immediately sprung up when I entered the cabin, bombarding me with questions.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did Balaur-"

"Everything is fine," I told him and slipped my shoes off, making a beeline for the bathroom.

"My meeting with the asswipe was cut short. Hana came in and was talking about you being at the hospital. Balaur was pissed," Charlie said, following me into the bathroom even when I attempted to close the door behind me.

"There was a medical emergency and Dmitri needed me," I explained and tried to push him out of the bathroom. He didn't budge save for a couple of steps stumbled backward.

"Medical emergency?" he asked.

"Someone was attacked," I said and gave up on trying to get him to leave by force. "It was the same curse that was used on the man who died."

"Shit," Charlie breathed out, his eyes widening.

"We managed to save this one," I said, "but it pretty much confirms that the guy's death wasn't natural. It was dark magic, a curse that was literally tearing his insides apart."

"Merlin," he muttered and shook his head. "People are so fucked. I could never understand why people do this shit to each other."

"I don't know either," I said. "But I do have to take a shower. I feel disgusting."

"Can I stay?"

"I don't care," I answered and turned on the shower, stripping my clothes off. I unclasped my necklace and carefully set it on the edge of the sink, watching as Charlie moved it to a more secure location almost immediately.

"So what did Balaur have to say?"

"He was pissed off that I came in," I told him as I stepped in the shower. He was leaned against the counter. "I accidentally lost my shit with him, as usual."

"You're still here, so I trust it didn't go too badly."

"That's because I made a bold accusation that I think was true," I said as I scrubbed my hair with shampoo.

"Like when you accuse people of doing crack at the slightest bit of confusion?"

"Kind of. I told him that he's not helping anyone by pretending he has control over the situation. It's really not his fault that people are getting hurt. It's bound to happen in these circumstances. But he's handling it wrong."

"I'm sure he loved to hear that," Charlie said with a chuckle.

"You know, surprisingly enough, he didn't take it too badly. He just told me to go home until my shift tomorrow."

"Hana just said that there was a medical emergency and you were in the hospital. I didn't know what was happening and I just kind of assumed the worst," he admitted. "I thought that you were hurt but Balaur didn't want me coming down to the hospital if there was an emergency. I was hoping you were just being a badass and you weren't hurt."


"Don't apologize," he scolded immediately. I fought back the urge to apologize for my apology.

"So I take it you didn't get Randy fired then?"

"No," he answered, suddenly sounding irritated. "The fucker had someone vouch for his dumbassery. The meeting was almost over when Hana came because, apparently, Cristian had heard amazing things about Randy that 'strongly contradicted' my claims." He scoffed.

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