Chapter 9: Hold the Spit

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Chapter 9: Hold the Spit

Y/N/N: your nickname/ codename

Salată de vinete: eggplant dip/salad


We have finally seen signs of the movement in Romania. On August 14, there was a demonstration in the village off of the sanctuary. It was a wizarding town and nine people did not reach the end. Only one was a demonstrator. The rest were civilians. They were not involved in any sort of organization that I could find. They were simply targets, and anyone else who tried to get involved became quarries as well.

A while back, it was alluded to that there may be demonstrators in the sanctuary itself. Now that the presence of this movement in Romania has been confirmed, I ask that you do not send any sensitive information about the curriculum to me. Instead, I would prefer for you to arrange an in-person meeting. I can come to the school or the house whenever it is necessary.

Additionally, I would like to know of any counter-demonstrations that may occur. I would love to help.


I read over my letter for a final time to make sure that everything was written in some sort of code. Demonstration: attack, demonstrator: death eater, targets: muggleborns, movement: war. There was no pre-established code so I had to make my own up and hope that Dumbledore could make some sense out of it.

"All set?" Charlie asked as I slid the letter into an envelope.

"Yeah," I answered and sealed the letter.

He nodded and took the letter from me, carrying it to the window. His owl appeared in the opening and he carefully attached the letter to her leg before giving her a treat and rubbing her beak fondly. The owl fluttered her wings and Charlie stepped back to allow her room to take flight.

"This'll all work itself out in time," he said. "Corruption never lasts forever."

"It's lasted long enough," I said and frowned. Charlie sighed.

"We're doing all we can," he said.

"You keep saying that like it'll make it true. We're not. We're sitting back and waiting for people to get hurt. How many people have to die before you decide to intervene?"

"Don't villainize me, Y/N."

"Then help me help others," I said.

"I'm doing my best to help," he said.

"But are we really? Any of us? We could be doing so much better."

"Our priority," he said, enunciating every syllable, "is to keep the order a secret and save who we can. Not to be reckless." He ran a hand over his face. "I understand that you're trying to help people but there's a limit. We have to be smart or we'll not survive."

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't do that," he said. "You know I'm right."

"That doesn't mean I have to like it," I said in response.

"I can't do this right now," he said and sighed. "It's stressful enough without you mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you."

"You're mad at the world, and I'm a part of that world."

"Maybe if the world wasn't so shit I wouldn't be mad at it," I grumbled and walked over to him, resting my head on his chest.

"You have to focus on the good parts," he said, resting his chin on top of my head.

"They're few and far between."

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