7- Drinking the Bar Dry

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The bar bustles with movement. The wait staff moves around, getting and refilling drinks, and people dance to the music coming from the piano that drifts through the air. As much as would love to join the smiling group moving to the music, you're sitting at a cramped table holding your crutches to your side. Dum Dum Dugan tosses his beer down and looks at Steve, pointing his finger at him. "So let's get this straight," You turn your head as Gabe Jones finishes his sentence. "We barely got out of their alive and you want us to go back?" Steve nods his head lightly and curls his lips inwards. "Pretty much." You chuckle as he speaks and lightly shake your head. "Look, we're going, and I think you guys are more fun than some randos. What d'ya think? Come along!" You lean forward and rest your head on your flattened hands, jokingly batting your eyelids and pouting your lips. Dugan laughs as you draw back in your chair. Falsworth brings his hand up to scratch his lip and grins. "Sounds rather fun actually." Jim Morita burps and leans back. "I'm in." Jaques Denier and Gabe start speaking in French, causing you to raise an eyebrow. They cheer and shake hands before Gabe gestures between the two men with a smile. "We're in." Happy Sam smiles at looks at you with a grin. "With you there to keep the crazy captain in check, of course, I'm in." You smile as Dugan lifts his beer. "I'll always fight. But you gotta do one thing first." Steve leans on the table slightly, raising an eyebrow. "And what's that?" Dugan chugs his beer and slams the now empty glass down. "Open a tab." Steve smiles and you chuckle as he grabs the empty beers and walks over to the bar. "Well, that was easy." You grin and lean back in your chair. "Well played Timothy." Dugan turns his head sharply to look at you. "Who told her my real name?!" You chuckle as the other men laugh and Dugan shakes his head lightly with a wide grin. "Oh dear Dum Dum, always assume I know absolutely everything."

You keep drinking when suddenly the piano player changes the song. Everyone in the bar quickly picks up on the new tune and sings along.

Lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that pistol down

You laugh at the sight before you, drunken men hastily clapping along and singing what is barely the right tune. Some of the men start to dance in a quick and uncoordinated manner, causing your chuckles to grow. They pull some girls onto the floor, which brings smiles to the men's faces.

Oh, drinking beer in a cabaret
Was I having fun
Until one night she caught me right
And now I'm on the run

You turn to look at your right, Happy Sam staring at you with a wide smile that showed his teeth. "I like your laugh" You lean forward and sit your head on your hand. "Really, is that so?" He nods and you smile back.

Oh, lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that pistol down

He grins and motions to the open space on the dance floor but you shake your head. "Still got my crutches, but in a week, that'll be a different story." He raises an eyebrow towards you. "You sure? I mean, you did get shot." You nod and smirk. "Of course, I'm always right." 

You stop speaking as the bar goes silent and all heads turn to the doorway. There stands Peggy in a gorgeous red dress, standing out amongst the sea of uniforms. You lean over and whisper in Happy Sam's ear. "I think the song summoned her." He snickers and whispers back to you. "She is definitely a pistol-packing mama, just like you." You both watch as she walks through the bar to find Steve. You smile as they start to talk, and turn your head as you feel a small slap on your arm. You turn to Pinkerton, who is wearing a sly grin. "Look at Steve and Peggy, you wanna bet they dance?" Your grin widens as you stare at him. "Okay, ten bucks says that he doesn't have the guts to even ask." Pinkerton smiles and gives you a firm handshake. You both quickly turn back to the pair, not wanting to miss anything. You cheer and swing your arms up as she walks away, leaving Steve and Bucky to chat. You spring your hand out with a smile as Pinkerton grumbles and places a scrunched-up pile of bills into it. You chuckle and place the money in your pocket. "Pleasure doing business with you Pinkerton, good luck next time." You stand up and grab your crutches. As you turn away Morita calls out to you. "Hey! Where are you going? The night has barely begun!" You turn back to him with a grin and shake your head. "If I stayed I'd drink you all under, and I'm meant to be resting my leg." Dugan scoffs and you lean forward. "Are you doubting me? I guess I know why they call you Dum Dum. Bye boys!" You turn and leave as the boys are still chuckling.

You walking back from the bar when you see Stark looking around frantically. You walk over and place a hand on his shoulder. "Howard, Howard are you okay?" He turns and looks at you, staring into your eyes.

"I found the last dose."

Before you can think of what he means, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into his car. You fumble with the crutches and close the door. Howard leans forward into the front seats and turns his head. "Jarvis, drive me to my lab." He moves back against the seat and you stare at him. "What on earth are you talking about?" He looks at you with wide eyes. "The super-soldier serum, there is one vial left. I found it!" You freeze for a moment and look back at him. "Are you kidding?  Do you know what this means?! You could replicate it!" Howard shakes his head firmly. You get jostled to the side as Jarvis makes a sharp turn. "Look, I'm not going to replicate it, I'm going to give it to someone." You blink for a moment, stunned at the words that just came out of his mouth. The car comes to a stop and Howard races out, leaving you struggling to keep up. "Come on Y/N! This is important!" You growl and go faster, arriving at Howard's lab. You walk in and see a small box open on the table. Howard hands you a letter and you look at the familiar handwriting. "Go on, read it!" You look down at the crinkled paper.



This letter was written in case I die and the serum is gone. In this box is the only vial left, but I don't want you to make more of it.

Since I started this project, I wanted to create more than one super-soldier, and while I was searching for my first subject, I have come across the perfect second. They would never let me use her as my first choice, but there will always be her name in the next spot. Even though I have given Steven 6 vials of my serum, and the other subject may only get this one, they will still be improved. It is important to me that you only give this vial to those who are worthy. For me, there is a clear choice in this matter.

Y/N Rogers.

While Y/N will not become as strong as Steve is now, she will become better still. It is important that if I am not around to give it to her, that you never let the army find out. They will object, take it from you and give it to a random soldier. I hardly think they will be willing to give to a girl, especially one who isn't in their ranks. I believe that Y/N has what it takes, and you have to give it to her.

Dr. Abraham Erkstine


You look up at Stark with your jaw open in shock. He nods and steps towards "Even though it's less, there are still healing factors that come with taking this. It might make your leg as good as new by morning." You look up at him and blink. "What, are we doing this right now?!" He nods his head and walks around his space. "Of course!" He grunts as he lugs a generator onto his workbench. He attaches two metal arms to the machine and waves you over. You raise an eyebrow at the small machine and he shrugs. "One-sixth of the serum, only one-sixth of the power. You slip off your jacket and Howard hands you the arms. "These go on your... chest. Need help putting them on?" You frown as he winks at you. You turn around and place the arms on yourself. You inject the serum into your arm and let it drain from the vial into you. "Okay, I'm ready." Howard slides his goggles down and pulls down a lever. "This is gonna hurt." As he twists the wheel, you feel the power bursting through you. You wince as he turns the wheel further and further. "Okay, ten percent, twenty percent, and thirty percent just to be safe!" You groan as the power gets stronger, and at twenty percent, you emit a bright blue glow from your eyes. The glow suddenly stops as Howard turns the wheel back. You fall forward slightly and hold onto the bench. You rip off the metal arms and do up your shirt. "Well, that was not a great feeling." Howard shrugs and checks your vitals. "It was much easier than before. Now, to test that it worked, punch me." You look at him and shake your head. "I'm not going to punch you." Howard smiles and jumps from side to side. "Come on, punch me! I can take it!" You shake your head and swing forward to leave. "No, I won't do it." He gently pushes you back, again and again. "Come on punch me!" "No." "Come on! Do it!" "NO." "Come o.." Before he can finish you punch him in the gut, causing him to fly back. "Yep, it worked."

Steve's Sister (avengers x fem reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora