2- An Expo, and a Jackass

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You wake up and roll over in your small bed. You liked Michael, and those two idiots had ruined everything. And now you just had to move on. You swing your legs off the bed and spring up. Today is a new day, a fresh start. You walk over to your wardrobe and look through your dresses. You picked out a navy blue dress that fell just below your knees. It has short sleeves and a V neckline with a long notched collar. You add a blue and white striped scarf as well as a brown belt and a matching bag. You walk to the kitchen and sit down when the phone starts ringing. You run over and pick up the receiver. "Hello, this is Y/N Rogers speaking, how may I help you?" You look up as Steve walks into the room. He raises one eyebrow and you shrug your shoulders. "Good morning Y/N, this is Michael." You smile and turn away from Steve. "Ooh, hi Michael! Sorry about my brother and his friend, they truly are a nightmare."  Steve frowns and starts aggressively making his coffee. "Yeah, I guessed. Well, I happen to have an extra ticket to the Stark Expo if you wanted to join me." You smile and turn to Steve, grinning as you reply. "That sounds amazing, it's a date." Steve's eyes widen and he frowns. "Good, well, I'll meet you tomorrow, at the Expo." You twirl the phone cord around your finger and lean back in your chair. "Amazing, see you then Michael." You put down the receiver and smile at Steve. He frowns and sips his coffee. "So, I guess you are busy today then. Shame, I had plans for us." You smile and smack his shoulder. "No, I have a date tonight. I am completely free until tonight. So, let me hear your plans." Steve sits up, smiles, and puts his mug down. "Well, there is a new Sherlock Holmes movie being released today at the cinema, so I thought we'd catch it." You steal his cup of coffee and take a long sip. "Sounds perfect!"


You sit down next to Steve near the back. "I'm telling you, these are the perfect seats!" You roll your eyes and grab the popcorn from his hands. The room goes dark and the screen lights up. It shows a flag, and a stoic voice starts speaking. "War continues to ravage Europe, but help is on the way." The screen shows footage of guns firing and men matching. "Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country." You turn your head and see Steve biting his nails as they show people getting assessed to be enlisted. "Even little Timmy is doing his part collecting scrap metal. Nice work Timmy!" A small boy is shown digging through piles of loose metal. One man, frustrated, starts to yell. "Who cares? Play the movie already!" Steve leans forward slightly. "Hey, wanna show some respect?" The voice starts up again while a video of injured men flashes across the screen. "Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price of freedom is never too high." The man sighs and shakes his hand at the screen. "Let's go! Get on with it! Hey, just start the cartoon!" Steve leans forward and your eyes widen. This will not end well. "Hey, wanna shut up?" The man stands up and turns around to face Steve. You clutch your popcorn and tense your shoulders. "Oh no."

The guy punches Steve right across the face, making him fall to the floor. You run down the alleyway to him, but the mixture of heels and loose cobblestone slows you down. He punches him to the ground again as you reach the end of the alley. "Hey, back off!" The guy laughs. "What are you gonna do? Be careful, you might tear your dress!" He shakes his head and punches Steve again. You kick him in the back of the knees and crouch beside Steve, ignoring the man's cry of pain. "Are you okay?" The man steps back as Steve stands again. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" You frown as Steve clenches his fists. "I could do this all day." Steve goes to punch him, but the man grabs his arm and punches Steve once more. You stand up and kick the man in the gut, causing him to stumble back. Bucky appears from behind him and grabs his shoulder. He spins the guy to face him and tosses him to the side. "Pick on someone your own size." The guy tries to punch Bucky, but misses, giving Bucky a chance to punch him in the face. The guy stumbles forward and turns away. Bucky kicks him forward and he runs off. Bucky walks back to Steve and helps him up. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched." Steve wipes blood from his lip. "I had him on the ropes." You chuckle and look at him. "Yeah, and I'm Katharine Hepburn." Bucky picks up the enlistment form from the ground. "How many times is this?" He hands you the form and you read it. "Oh, you're from Paramus now!" Bucky looks at Steve with a frown. "You know it's illegal to lie on your enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?" Steve looks up and notices that Bucky is in a military uniform. "You get your orders?" Bucky looks at the ground, curling his lips. "The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." Steve looks to the floor and shakes his head. "I should be going."  Bucky laughs and grabs Steve by the shoulder. "Come on man, my last night! I got to get you cleaned up." Steve groans and looks at Bucky as you all start to walk back up the alley. "Why? Where are we going?" Bucky hands Steve a newspaper open on the Stark Expo page. "The future, and to crash Y/N's date."

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