6- The Walk From Hell is Steep

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The men stare at you in disbelief as you slowly lower yourself onto the muddy ground. You quickly slip off your navy jacket and tear a strip from the bottom. You tie it tightly above the bullet wound and wince as you pull the fabric more. "Well, are you just going to watch, or is someone going to help me?" They all look around at each other, still processing everything that has happened to them in the last hour. You point at a man with a thick mustache. "Bowler hat man, what is your name?" He turns to you and pauses. "Dugan." You relax your face and smile. "Well, Dugan, get me two long sticks, they need to be sturdy enough to make a splint, but if they are too thick I will throw them at you, got it?" He nods his head and turns to find sticks. "Yes, got it." You nod and look around at everyone. "Now, has anyone else been shot? Or other serious injuries for that matter?" They all shake their heads vigorously and you smile. "Good. Ah thank you, Dugan, these are perfect." Dugan smiles as he hands you two sticks. You grab them and place them on either side of your left leg. You tear another strip off your jacket and wrap it around the sticks, creating a barely functioning splint. You shrug your shoulders and stand up. "Good enough, now where is Steve?"

As soon as the words escape your mouth, half of the HYDRA base blows up in a blast of orange light. You quickly bring your arms up to cover your face and between your fingers you see two figures walking towards you. You hobble forward and hug Bucky, tears leaking out of your eyes. You take a step back and slap him across the face. He cradles his cheek with his hand and stares at you with wide eyes. "Hey! What in the hell was that for Y/N?" You grin and look at him. "I'm still mad about you ruining my date." Bucky hugs you again, and when you step back, Steve walks over. "What is on your leg?!" You shrug and swing your leg forward. "I got shot." Steve and Bucky look at each other with open jaws. "YOU GOT SHOT?!" You look at Steve and frown. "I might become deaf as well if you keep screaming. Anyway, time to call us our ride Steve." Steve laughs nervously and your face drops. "No Steve, don't tell me." He holds up the radio, but it is filled with bullet holes. "Surprise, we're walking."

You meet the prisoners more during the walk, and most of them are nice. You spend most of the trip talking to Happy Sam Sawyer. "So Y/N, do you, um, like dancing?" You look up at him and smile. "Yeah, but with my leg, I think I'll be out of action for a while." His eyes widen as he looks down at your bloodstained makeshift split. "Oh, I didn't even think of that. Guess it was a bad day to wear heels huh?" You grin and tilt your head to him. "I don't own many shoes actually, just a few pairs of heels. I don't make enough money to find good shoes, but I like these anyway." He nods and curls his lips. "So, um, maybe once your leg is better, I could, well, um, take you dancing? If you want." You look up at him as he stutters his way through his sentences. "I think that would be nice." You grin and give a small chuckle. "So long as you don't let Bucky or my brother find out, you'll live to go on that date." He slows downs and looks at you. "Is Steve your brother?!" You nod and look forward at the two men in front of you. "Yep, twin technically. And Bucky helps him scare off potential dates, but you aren't afraid, are you?" You look back at him and snicker as he rubs his forehead. "Nope. Not at all." You chuckle and stare into his eyes. "Good, because I'm looking forward to that dance."

Near the end of your walk, you hobble over to Bucky and elbow him. "Hey Buck, how's it going?" Bucky look sat you. "Well, I think I'm doing better than you." He gestures to you and you frown. You look down at your clothes. You had a deep navy skirt that sat at your knees and fanned out, along with a black blouse and a black belt. You had blue heels and sheer black tights, but this was all before the battle. Now, your dress was coated in mud, and your jacket had been torn for your splint. Your tights had ladders everywhere, especially around the bullet wound. And your heels were scratched, and everything was splattered in blood. "Well, anyway, guess who has a crush on who is probably the only female Agent ever? She is pretty awesome." Bucky laughs and looks at you. "Yep, her name is Peggy Carter and her nor Steve will admit it" He shakes his head and sighs. "I set him up on a million dates, he hates every single one. He goes to war, and his standards are suddenly fulfilled?" You laugh and see Steve turn around to face the two of you. "What are you two laughing about." You lock your lips with a smile, but Bucky misses the message. "Some girl you like." You smack him on the arm. "She is not just some girl, her name is Peggy." Steve blushes and looks forward towards the base camp. "Almost there, get ready.".

As you trudge along the mud-laden track among the newly freed men, you smile. The base camp is peering over the slight hill, slowly rising into view. All of the men at the camp have crowded around the entrance, watching as Steve leads everyone in silence. You smile at Bucky as the red and white striped pole lifts, granting you access to the camp. The men step back, gawking at the return of the presumed dead. They create a pathway into the base, cheering and clapping to you all as you walk through. You watch as men start appearing from all over the camp, hearing about the return of Captain America. You slap Steve on the stomach as the Colonel emerges from the crowd wearing his usual frown. Steve salutes to him with a still face. "Some of these men need medical attention." You look at the colonel and smile. "I'll help with that colonel Phillips."

You walk over with various men to the medical tent and hug Anna. "Hey there. So, as it turns out, storming a HYDRA base isn't without danger, and I have been shot in the leg, can you take a look?" Anna chuckles and shakes her head. "Did you walk all the way back?" You nod and lay down on one of the beds. "Of course. I wasn't going to sit on the tank, like those damsels in distress. I could still manage to walk, so that's what I will do." She laughs as she takes off your splint and cleans the wound. "Well, you should have done that. Why can't you accept that help?" You sigh and lay back on your elbows. "Because then I am the girl who got injured. Then, no girls can go because I got myself shot, and it's too dangerous. If they get hurt they are heroes, but if I get hurt I am an example." Anna stands back and sighs. "I guess your right. You may walk with a limp from now on." You shrug and let yourself fall back on the bed. "I'll blame it on the heels."


You swing around the tables on your crutches to stand closer to Steve as he talks. "The fifth one was here in Poland, right below the Baltic" You look over at Steve with a grin. "Actually, it was right near Baltic here." You point to a different place on the map and Steve lifts his head to think for a second, then nods. "You're right." You smile and pat him on the back. "I'm always right, I'm older." He grumbles and looks down, focusing on the pencil in his hand. "It was twelve minutes." You smile and pout. "Twelve heavenly minutes where you didn't exist, ah, the good old days as one might say." Peggy sighs with a smirk and Steve goes back to the map. "Oh yeah, the sixth one was about here, thirty, forty lines west of the magino line." You nod your head as you look at the map Steve and you have created of the HYDRA bases. A man pulls sit away and Steve looks at Peggy. "I just got a quick look." Peggy rolls her eyes and looks at him. "Nobody's perfect." You shake your head and grin. "Stop showing off Mister America." Peggy leads you and Steve to a different table with a different, larger map. You're a little slower than them on your wooden crutches, but you manage. "Wow, is there another one even bigger than this?" Steve looks at you and frowns. You start speaking with a concentrated look on your face. "So these are the weapons factories that we know about." Steve nods and looks at the colonel who is walking beside him. "Sergeant Barnes said that HYDRA shipped all the parts to a facility that isn't on this map." Phillips starts to walk faster, causing you to grunt as you race on your crutches. "Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6, I want every allied eyeball looking for that HYDRA base." Peggy walks in front of Steve and swings her arms lightly. "What about us?" The colonel grabs a file and turns to face the three of you. "We are going to set a fire under Johan Shmidts ass. What do you say, Rogers? You two made the map, wanna wipe HYDRA off it?" You smile and look at Steve. Steve looks back at the map. "Yes sir, but we'll need a team." Phillips flips through the file and nods. "We're already putting together the best men." You push forward and smile at the colonel. "With all due respect Colonel, so are we."

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