5- Pew Pew Pew

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The next few months are hectic, to say the least. Your days are spent trying to help the soldiers on the front line, with varying rates of success. You never have time to get to know the nurses, not with the battles raging and the constant rotation of camps. Peggy offered to join you on almost every trip from camp to camp, but even then it was hard to leave the battlefields. Nurses were moved from station to station due to the lack of them, and it meant you could never receive letters from Steve or Bucky, and you felt bad leaving the nurses understaffed. "Cheer up Y/N, you'll like your next station." You look at Peggy with a raised eyebrow and she grins. "Well, once we get there, Steve will be performing, and it just so happens that we have time to watch." The corners of your mouth rise and you lunge at Peggy, swarming her with a hug. "Thank you so much! I'll get to see Steve!" She gives you a squeeze and chuckles. 

You step off the jeep and give Peggy a hand down. You walk behind the green tents and see Steve standing stoically in front of a group of very unimpressed soldiers. "How many of you are ready to help me sock ol' Adolf on the jaw?" You bring your hand to your mouth to stop the laugher as the troupes stay silent. Steve, now used to immense praise, stumbles through his words. "Okay, uh, I need a volunteer!" A man calls out from the crowd. "I already volunteered! How do you think I got here?" The whole camp chuckles and you snicker with them. Another man calls out. "Bring back the girls!" All of the men cheer and clap as Steve looks off stage. "I think they only know the one song, but I'll see what I can do." Yet another man calls out to him. "You do that sweetheart!" And another. "Nice boots tinkerbell!" Steve looks around. "Come on guys, we're all on the same team here." Another man calls out. "Hey Captain, sign this!" He stands up, turns away from the stage, and pulls his pants down. The base cheers as Peggy shakes her head. People start to throw food at Steve and he walks off. You turn to Peggy and sigh. "Well, that was not how I thought that would go." Peggy returns your curled lips and nods "We should talk to him." You grin and lead her backstage.

You let Peggy talk to Steve first, and you wait, leaning against the stage. You smile as Steve looks up from his sketchbook to see her. You can't hear everything they're saying clearly, but you laugh as she calls him a dancing monkey. "I finally got everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights." You hear him pause and take the chance to walk in. "Well, I think you look stupid tights or no tights." He stands up and gives you a hug, causing you both to chuckle. "Does everything you've ever wanted include me being away from you? What a shame." You bring your hands to your chest with fake shock, making Peggy snicker. Just as you are about to keep talking, you all turn your heads at the beeping of a horn and a car stopping at the medical tent. "Well, that's my job, I best be off." Steve nods and Peggy gives you a small wave as you run over. "Hello I am nurse Y/N Rogers, I just arrived here to start tomorrow, but I feel I might be needed." You watch as the nurse you spoke to turns around. "Well, long time no see. We should start right away." Your smile widens at the sound of Anna's voice. It had been a while, but you knew she was happy to see you too.

After the big rush of men, you walk over to Anna and give her a big hug. "How have you been? It's been so long!" Anna smiles and turns to the room full of groaning men. "better than the 107th apparently." Your head snaps to her. "The 107th?" She nods and gestures to the men surrounding you. "This is all that's left of them, well, that and the crowd." Your eyes widen and she nods. "Yeah, they went on a dangerous mission, its a miracle this many came back at all." You start looking around, searching for Bucky, but can't find his face among the crippled and injured men. You rush outside, muddying your heels as you race to find Steve. You see him inside the Colonel's tent and dash inside. As you walk in you hear the colonels throaty voice ring out. "I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count, but the name does sound familiar." Your face falls and you fight to keep your eyes dry. You start rubbing your forefinger with your thumb as he continues. You step forward and stand next to Steve. "I'm sorry." You look at the Colonel surprised, he almost never showed emotions. "What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?" You turn to Steve, barely paying attention. "Yeah, it's calling winning the war." Steve furrows his brows and looks at the colonel. "but if you know where they are, why not at least..." Before he can finish, the colonel interrupts. "They're thirty miles behind the lines, through some of the most heavily fortified territories in Europe, we'd lose more men than we'd save. but I don't expect you to understand that because you're  a chorus girl." You hang your head as he talks. "Oh think I understand just fine." the colonel glares at him as he walks by. "Then understand somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly you have someplace to be in thirty minutes." Steve looks at the map, and you see that determined glint in his eyes. "Yes sir, I do."

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