"Jack, help me out for a second. I think I found another species." You called. Almost instantly, he was by you. This is risky and you don't like to do this very often, but you want to get this thing before it's gone for good. Managing to wrap your arms around it, you glanced behind to see jack copying you.

"One, two, three, pull." Grunting, you nearly gasped at how hard it was. It was like playing a game of tug of war, with the other side winning. Stumbling back suddenly, you realized that the snake was now coming towards you both. With how large it is, you didn't want to risk it being hostile. Scrambling back, your mouth dropped when a man appeared. His bottom half was the snake though. Feeling your mouth, drop open, you held onto Jack's arm as he pulled you to your feet.

The snake man, seemed to glare at you before his gaze shifted down and he picked something up. You had to suppress the urge to lunge for your journal that was now in the creature's hands.

"This is yours?" If your mouth could drop open anymore, it would hit the floor. You couldn't believe the creature just spoke.

"It is." You answered, tensing when he started flipping though it. A large grin spread on his face when he looked up at you.

"They are lovely. You are not here to harm or take from the jungle?"

"No. I'm only here to observe the life." You answered, "He's here for the rocks."

"Though I have a couple samples." Jack blurted out, earning a glare from the snake man. That's not going to be good if he's mad.

"Would you mind if I draw you?" You questioned, hoping to distract him. He watched you for a minute before holding your journal out to you. Posing  in a part ball, with his top half up. Drawing him as quickly as you could, you prayed that Jack would keep quiet and not do anything to anger this creature. Its' clear the creature cares about it's home so, leave the jungle alone and maybe it will leave you both alone. 

It wasn't all bad though. You managed to make small talk about himself mostly. Learning that his name is Jade and that he is still considered a teen to his species, though he could easily be in his early 20's for humans. He's lived in this jungle his whole life and is very protective of it. Learning to speak due to listening in when the local tribes were opening new schools.

"Are you done?" Jade questioned, making you jump. Nodding, you tensed when he moved and wrapped lightly around you , peeking over your shoulder. He was cold and from how close he was, it made you shiver.

"Very nice." He hissed, "Considerate of nature, easy on the eyes, talented in art. I've decided not to kill you, but keep you for my own." 

Blinking, you wondered if that was actually a compliment. Coming from a snake man, it probably was.

"Thank you?"

"Your friend is another matter." Before you could ask, he suddenly tightened around you from head to toe. You only saw a brief look of fear on Jack's face before the coils blocked your view. After a while, you felt the ground leave your feet as his muscles seemed to move around you. Not letting you got for what felt like a long time. Yelping as you were suddenly spun fast, you let yourself lay where you were to calm yourself down.

"(Y/N)!" Tilting your head back, you blinked at Macy and Ryan, in a make shift cage.

"Still alive after the poison? No matter, we have all night for dinner." Jade hissed, now behind you, with his hands grabbing your shoulders, "You're the only one I've taken a liking to, be grateful you're not going to end up like your friends."

"What do you mean?" You whimpered, trying to pull away  from him. Only to hiss in pain as you felt his fangs dig into your neck. Jerking away, you held a hand over your neck where he bit you. Crawling back until you felt the cage behind you.

"(Y/N), it's a rare Naga. One of only two in existence." Macy called, "From it's actions, it's taking you for it's mate."

Feeling your skin crawl at those words, you looked over at the Jade.  Feeling tears swell in your eyes as your body started to feel numb. Seeing him grin, as he picked you up, you wanted to fight back, but your body felt to heavy. Probably from whatever poison he put in you.

"Leave (Y/N) alone!" You faintly heard Macy scream, "We don't know what your poison will do to us."

"(Y/N), is no longer going to be human." He growled, "Another Naga in the world. Someone else to protect our home. Once (Y/N) devours you two, the transformation will be complete. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing."

"Please don't." You could barely mummer out, earning a smile from him.

"It's to late. I needed a mate and you are the best candidate. Rest now and welcome to your new home." His voice started to go fuzzy as did your vision before everything went black.

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