Fortunately, I wasn't sitting it the middle seat. Unfortunately, Adrien was.

"Cheng Sifu, chi chi ni ti yi chi tai pa li ma?" Asked Adrien.

In that moment, I forgot about the awkward tension between us and gave Adrien a *insert confused face meme here*. "What dafuq did you just say?"

"I asked him whether or not he came to Paris before. I thought you could speak Chinese?"

"Yes, I can, but apparently, you can't. No offense, but that accent worse than Marinette's. I need the contact number of your teacher so that I can roast him later. If you want to ask that question of yours, you say, 'Cheng Sifu, 这是你第一次来巴黎吗?" (Is this your first time in Paris?)

"啊,不。我三十年前来过这里。你说一口流利的中文话!" (Oh, no. I came here once thirty years ago. You are quite fluent in Chinese!)

"谢谢你, Cheng Sifu!" (Thank you, Cheng Sifu!)

"Wow, your Chinese is great! Maybe I do need a new teacher..."

"Na, you just need more practice! I could help you out! I taught Marinette how to introduce herself within two hours, but she is a great learner. Right, Marinette?"

"Yeah! Yin is incredible isn't she Adrien?" Asked Marinette. Girl, we're talking about you here.

"你们 how old, ah?" Cheng Sifu suddenly asked. (How old are you all?)

"Cheng Sifu, you speak English?" Asked Marinette.

"Ah, no. 我的英语 not good! Not good! Not 像银的 Chinese." (My English not good! Not like Yin's Chinese.)

His English is definitely worse than how it is on the show. This is way more realistic!

"至少我能明白你说的话。" I laughed. (At least I can understand what you said.)

"Ahem, I might not pronounce it well, but I can still understand Chinese, you know," said Adrien.

"Whoops, sorry..." I sheepishly said.


"Since our world's greatest chef contest kicked off, the best culinary masters from around he globe have been blowing our finds with their gastronomical creations!" Narrated Alec.

"Cheng Sifu!" Greeted the mayor. "I am delighted and honored to have you here on our final show! Where you will have a chance to defeat all the chefs that have competed thus far."

Noticing that Cheng Sifu looked confused, I walked up to him and translated what Mayor Bourgeois said. "他说他很高兴也很荣幸有你来参加最后一场演出! 您将有机会击败迄今为止参加过比赛的所有厨师。"

He nodded his head in understanding and turned to the mayor. "Thank you," he said.

"Only one can be awarded with the tittle of world's greatest chef! The winner's dish will become the new mayor special on the Grand Paris's restaurant menu!

"Tell us, Cheng Sifu. What dish will you be honoring our panel with today?"

"他问您今天会用什么菜来纪念他们的小组。" I whispered.

"Oh, my dish 是 Celestial Soup!" Announced Cheng Sifu. (is)

"Wow! We've heard so much about your legendary soup, but today, we'll actually get to taste it!" Alec said excitedly.

"Cheng Sifu,您会不会需要我和你一起去?" I asked. (Cheng Sifu, do you me to come with you?)

"不需要吧。Cooking needs no words," said Cheng Sifu. (No need.)

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