47. The Sanders

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Anti sat forlornly in his cell, scratching his sharp claw- like nails against the wall, dragging them to make lines on the wall. The guy occupying the cell opposite just stared at him curiously. Suddenly the guy who was singing next door flopped over into Anti's cell.

'Wha- What the fuck?!' Anti gasped, falling backwards in shock.

'Hi.' The man said, tilting his head as he stared at Anti. He was more of a child than a man. Man- child. Anti smiled at that; He reminded the glitch of Chase.

'My name's Phil, and that over there is Dan.' The guy grinned, pointing over at the guy who occupied the same cell as him. They both strongly resembled each- other.

'We're partners in crime.' Phil smiled devilishly.

Anti raised an eyebrow at Phil.

'Partners.' He blurted, as Dan laughed a little.

'We're Sanders. Part of that kinda ego group.' Phil waved his hands, gesturing to nowhere in particular. Anti nodded; He thought he might have heard Bing or Google mention the Sanders once or twice.

'What did you do to come here?' The glitch asked curiously, watching Boo crawl along the wall to the top right corner, beginning on a web;

'Uh, we... Threw a fire hydrant at a passer- by. They died. It was Dan's fault.'

Dan rolled his eyes with a small smirk, standing up and pushing past Phil to correct him.

'Phil freaked out - He thought I was gonna hit someone, so he decided to take the wheel and swerve it. We hit a fir hydrant that flew out and hit someone, giving them a concussion, then they went into a coma, and eventually... They died.

'Huh.' Anti hummed. 'Underwhelming.'

Phil raised an eyebrow again, and Dan grinned mischievously.

'Whaddya say 'bout busting this place?'

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