20. It's Darkiplier-

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'Robbie! Get the door, will you!' Sean yelled from upstairs, digging through various drawers for some clue of where the demon had disappeared to.

The purple- haired zombie strolled towards the door, pausing as he looked through the glass.

'It's Darkiplier.'

'Oh no.' Chase swore. 'What if he's looking for Anti?'

After the fight, the demon had disappeared. Normally it would just be a week max for his sulking period, but it had been two. The egos were anxious and terrified of the blue- red entity's reaction. He was the most unpredictable being. He might either congratulate the egos or throw them into his Void.

'Do you want to make him even angrier? Open the fookin' door!' Sean blurted, sprinting down the stairs.

Robbie swung the door open, staring up at the raven- haired man. 'H-hi.'

'Is Anti here?' Dark asked, raising an eyebrow. The other egos paused in their making breakfast as Chase replied.


'Knew it.' Dark muttered under his breath. Chase heard this and raised a nonchalant eyebrow.

'What's he done now?'

'The protective invisible barriers I set up to keep the Iplier household safe were broken last night. Bing and Google came straight to me in the morning with the report. Apparently, it was a demonic entity and they had a scar across their neck.' Dark shrugged. 'Pretty bait, really. I doubt anyone else goes walking around with a scar like that. They'd at least do something to cover it, no?'

Jackie nodded to himself, having seen Abe just that morning. Anti was sus.


Anti was curled up against a wall, dozing in and out of sleep uncomfortably. When he fell asleep, Chase's words came to him over and over; 'No one would care if you curled up and died.' But when he was awake, it was just as bad. He mulled over his thoughts, his feelings...

He made a small sound as a tear ran down his face. He lifted his shoulder to rub his face against it, giving a small whimper as a car rushed past, splashing him with rainwater.


He suddenly remembered Adison's words; 'What happened to us?'

He remembered.

'Anti is just... There are no words to describe him, really. Unique?' A girl with short ombre blond to pink hair and red horns laughed embarrassedly.

'Don't flatter him.' A boy with jet black wings and the same black hair scoffed, golden eyes glinting dangerously. 'He's the worst demon that lived. He refused to kill humans all through secondary.'

'He... He was alright, he's a nice guy...' A fidgety boy with navy blue eyes muttered, unhappy at being interviewed about his best friend who was the most 'unnatural' demon the school had ever seen.

Anti missed young Adison.

'He's a nice guy?' The teacher pressed, raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah.' Adison frowned as he picked at his schoolbag. 'Why are you doing this? Why can't you just leave him alone? What's he done to you?'

The other kids were shocked at this exchange, having never heard more than one sentence from the shy demon, let alone the kid confronting a teacher.

'He's not some sort of specimen you can just inspect!' Adison had yelled, standing up. 'He is his own person and you can't criticize him for not killing when half the demons are jailed by the stupid humans for killing! Maybe he doesn't want to go to jail for the rest of his life!' He left the classroom, slamming the door behind him.

Anti sighed, leaning back against the stone wall and giving a sigh as he closed his eyes once more.

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