35. Wrong window

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Dark entered the quiet room, taking care to shut the door behind him. He sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting. Yan murmured a little, rolling over in their sleep.

'Hey, Yan?' Dark's deep voice pierced the silence.

Yan made no movement, still asleep.

No matter; Dark still needed to get this off his conscience.

'Yan... I read the letter Warfstache gave me today.' He straightened his tie, ruby eyes dull.

'I'm sorry I'm such a jerk. I just don't want to get hurt; I'm not a human ego like you... I'm different. I shouldn't exist, I've told you that before. Celine and Damien are trapped inside me until I die. Even then, they might not come back. They're trapped in the Void.'


'You're so right about us egos needing to stick together, Yan. You've got the most brains out of us all.' He chuckled lowly, looking down at his feet.

'Honestly, I'm sorry too. For being such an emo bastard and keeping myself to myself. I really don't want to get hurt, Yan. I love you too.' He murmured, freezing as Yan sleepily wrapped their arms round his neck.

'Finally, ya big jerk.' They mumbled sleepily, letting their face fall next to Dark's over his shoulder.


Adison scaled the wall, looking in through the window at Wilford preening his moustache.

'Wrong window.'

He climbed another floor, peering into a dim room, seeing the schoolkid and Dark huddled together in what seemed like a hug.

'Ah.' He chuckled. 'Perfect.'

He looked down at Anti, who defiantly stood there next to Blank, who was messing around at the front door.

The blue-eyed demon rolled his eyes and shook his head, opening the window and climbing in, teleporting Anti and Blank into the room.

Dark stood up suddenly, spinning round to stare at the trio.

'I'm not here for this guy.' Blank shrugged, gesturing at Adison.

'Me neither.' Anti huffed. Adison smirked before pulling out a gun, swinging it towards Dark, who dodged and socked Adison in the head. Yan leapt out of nowhere at Blank, who collapsed onto the floor. Yan straddled him, pointing a shuriken at Blank's forehead.

'Who the hell are ya?' Yan growled as Adison grabbed both of Dark's wrists, a dark smile plastered onto his face.

'Time to end this once and for all.'

Anti's heart stopped as he spun round to grab Dark.


It was only Blank, Yan and Anti in the room.

Adison had taken Dark into the Void.

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