29. Death Row?!

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'Hey, Marvy.' Chase slurred, stumbling over the doorstep as Marvin watched, unimpressed, from leaning on the doorframe. This guy was done for. No matter how much he tried to cover it up, Chase's happiness was crumbling as well as his mental health. The egos figured it would happen soon enough.

Chase tripped over, Marvin leaping forward to catch him.

'You are one drunk dude.' The magician huffed, leading the father to the sofa. Chase gratefully flopped onto it, muttering something about Sammie and Kallie, his children.

Marvin watched Chase sadly as Robbie entered with Anti Jr, the turtle. The zombie sat on the sofa next to where Chase was in a position halfway between laying and sitting. He looked pretty done with life. Of late, Stacey had been threatening to take the divorce into action, banishing the kids from ever seeing their father again. Chase's mental health was at the point where just talking to him could make him snap.

The alcoholic watched Anti Jr crawl into his lap, eyes dull. Henrik had already prescribed him antidepressants, which didn't have the same effect as they did before.

'The fook is- Oh. Hi Boo.' Chase watched the small black spider scuttle onto his palm. Boo made a spider sound before waving two legs at Chase in greeting.

Suddenly the door slammed open, a man in a red suit running in. The one and only Jackieboyman. Marvin looked up at him, smiling.

'Hey Jackie. What's up?'

The hero slammed a sheet of paper onto the table, panting heavily.

'I just went to see Abe. There've been reports of a man with a scar on his neck killing people. I know Anti kills rarely, he only tortures them, but I- If we don't stop him, he's on Death Row.'

'WHAT?!' Marvin screeched. 'Death Row?!'

Robbie and Chase sat silently on the sofa, mulling over what Jackie had just said. Chase shrugged, dead eyes staring at the ground.

'So? That's his problem. Let him suffer for what he's done.'

Robbie leaned away from Chase.

'T-Three weeks ago you were his best friend, and now you're wishing death on him!' The young ego frowned. 'Stop it! What he did to you was ages ago- and he only did it so that Stacey would leave you alone!'

The room was silent, and Robbie realized he let something he shouldn't have slip.

'What do you mean?!' Chase stood up suddenly. 'She's my wife, he has no business to interfere with our arguments!'

'He- he attacked Stacey because he would always hear her arguing with you. He... He- knew your depression and mental state was- because of... Her, and he wanted to get revenge. He- He cared about you, Chase.'

Jackie and Marvin made eye contact, before looking back at the father and zombie.

'I'm going bed.' Chase stood up dizzily, still drunk, but sobered hugely by what Robbie had just told him.

Jackie sat on the table, still staring at the photograph a civilian had taken of the 'shadow- like' killer. For the first time, he noticed that both eyes were blue. And not Anti's heterochromatic blue. This was... Night sky blue. Starry blue. Yet the scar on their neck was visible.

Was it possible?

That it wasn't Anti doing all these killings?

Jackie looked closer at the picture. A shadowy aura danced round the man. Wasn't Anti... The only glitch demon? He would never stoop to shadows... Plus, Anti was proud of his power. The only damn glitch in the Void. The only glitch to ever exist. Other than Vanellope, if you'll excuse the reference.

It wasn't Anti. It couldn't be.

Jackie dialled the number to the Iplier Mansion's housephone.

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