2. Coffee cafe!

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Chase huffed as he slammed the front door shut, flipping his trademark cap onto his head. Time for a coffee and some deep thought. He subconsciously glanced up at the house through the front windscreen as he got into the car. Anti's windows were open, his dark green curtains flapping out the window as if waving at Chase. Suddenly a figure came to the window, leaning out while crossing their arms and glancing up at the stormy sky.

Chase ducked a little, watching Anti contently.

He hadn't pried or been rude to Anti since he'd seen his cuts. He couldn't find it in him, after all, it brought back bad memories, and more than anything, Chase sympathized. Poor guy.

Anti twitched a little as it started to rain. He nuzzled into his hoodie and looked down a little, spotting Chase watching him from the car. He smiled slightly and focused on the passenger seat, squinting a little.

And he was there. He looked sideways at Chase, who stared at him, leaning back with a surprised face.

'Where you goin'?' Anti asked, noticing the fact that Chase didn't even have a Bro Average blog scheduled for today.

'Coffee.' Chase shrugged, realizing that now would be a good time to grill Anti. 'Wanna come?'

Anti shrugged. 'Yeah.' He turned to the window, watching the rain streak down it before looking past it to the stormy skies outside. 'Could sure do with somethin' warm.'

Chase nodded, turning the ignition key and putting the heat fan on, still in his T-shirt. He was shivering a little and trying to hide it, but when Anti glanced sideways at him, he noticed it. He looked down at his hoodie before turning back to the window with a small frown on his face.

'So.' Chase began. 'How you holding up, bro? Don't see you around the house much.' He turned his head to watch Anti pick at his sleeve as the atmosphere in the car got pleasantly warmer.

Another fake smile from Anti.

'Yeah, bro! I'm doin' great! Uh.. Around the house... Heh.' He gave a nervous laugh while trying to think of an excuse. 'Not around the house often cause I'm doin' my job, right? Hackin', ya know.' Anti mimed typing on a keyboard.

'Ah, cool beans.' Chase rolled his head on his neck to stretch while swerving the steering wheel. 'I don't think I'll ever eke it out of him.' He thought, glancing over at the still smiling Anti.

He didn't need Anti to confirm his suspicions. He could see it in his eyes. He stopped the car, turning it off and getting out, waiting for the demon to do the same. The rain poured onto him and Anti as they sprinted towards the nearby café.

Chase, being of a slightly more athletic build due to his Bro Average antics, got to the door first and slammed it open so that Anti could dash in after him.

When he did, he shook as a puppy would, spraying rain all over Chase and some customers who sent small glares his way.

Chase gave a small laugh and led Anti to the counter, finally safe from the raging storm outside.

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