19. Fight

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'Want to tell us what all that was about?' Sean raised an eyebrow, the other egos sitting around, some on the bed, and some spread out on the floor. Anti turned around. His expression was one that the egos had never seen before. Longing and... Sadness.

'Ya can all go back to your bedrooms now.' He tried covering it up, but none of the egos moved.

'Anti... The fook was that?! You can't just call us to your room in the middle of the fookin' night and then let us leave with no fookin' explanation!' Chase yelled, his insomnia clearly messing him up. 'I don't get enough sleep as it is!'

'I- I was protecting you, you fookin' idiot!' Anti yelled back, slamming the window shut. 'Fookin' ungrateful little-' He leapt at Chase, who swung a fist at the demon. The other egos stared as Anti fought with what seemed to be his favourite ego.

'You're so stupid! You know that?' Chase laughed, hysterical. 'You think any of us believe you'd protect us?!' He swung another fist at the glitch. 'I don't care if you curl up and die! You've tormented us one after – another!' Chase huffed, pausing for breath.

'Chase! Stop! Think about what you're saying, you idiot!' JJ signed, but Chase didn't notice, his lack of sleep exhausting him.

Anti said nothing, still tirelessly sending electric shocks at Chase as the other egos watched the exchange.

'No one fookin' cares about you.' Chase hissed, bending over to pant for air.

Anti nodded before glitching out.


Markiplier's mansion.

Dark watched as Yandere fought playfully with Eric over the toaster, the both of them eventually stealing King's peanut- butter coated toasts.

'Hey! Those are for me and my subjects!' King yelled, running after the egos, his cape billowing behind him. Dark sighed, running a hand through his black hair.

'Ya good, Darkie boy?' A pink mustached man entered the room, flopping down to sit beside the demon. Dark shook his head. 'Did you not hear Bing and Google's reports of last night?' His worried eyes met Wilford's own.

'Nope! But ya look a bit shook, buddy. Wanna tell me what happened?'

'Okay Google.' Dark huffed. The android's eyes glowed at the command. 'Give me a report of last night.'

'The barriers were broken. A man with a scar on his neck was at the scene. He must be a demonic entity of some sorts.'

'Thanks, Google.' Dark hummed as Wilford's eyes widened.

'So ya think it was glitchy boi?' He reached out and took a sip of Dr Iplier's coffee. The doctor glared at him and went to make another.

'I dunno... Ever since I recued him from the Void, he hasn't seemed to have anything to do with me. I figured he was too embarrassed to make a comeback. He doesn't seem like the psycho he was... But then again, this is Antisepticeye we're talking about.' He rolled his eyes and set his head on his arms, closing his ruby eyes to think.

'Maybe I should give him a visit.'

Solo & Stupid [AntiAverage]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora