"Ya, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I won't hold back."

Minju furrowed her eyebrows causing Y/n to pat her shoulder.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't happen."

"If you say so..."

The bell rang signaling that class was about to begin.

"Are you going to take a nap?"

Y/n shook his head, "Nah, I got some good rest last night."

A slight frown grew on Minju's face, "Okay."

The two took notes, mindlessly going through the first two classes, happily getting out of their seats when the third bell of the day rang signaling that it was lunch time. On the way to their spot, Y/n and Minju walked through the halls in silence.

Y/n placed one foot in front of the other while Minju's eyes nervously scanned the hallways looking for anything suspicious. Once they reached their lunch spot, Y/n let out a sigh causing Minju to look at the former in fear.

"W-What's wrong?"

Y/n turned towards Minju with a smirk, "You're still worried?"

Minju nodded her head vigorously.

"Well, I'll show you that there's nothing to worry about."

As if on queue, a group of guys turned around the corner.

Minju gasped, "Y/n!"

Y/n looked at the crowd, and then Minju.

"Don't worry, I made this happen."

"You did?"

"I was 'warned' at the beginning of the school to know my place, and if I ever dared to challenge them, then I'd 'regret it."

Y/n's annoyed tone irked the girl, "So you called them out knowing this would happen?"

"Yep. Now I can show you how fucked anyone would be if they tried to mess with us."


Y/n ruffled Minju's hair, "Don't worry. I'm not an idiot, remember? If you need my attention, then just make some sort of noise. Yell, snap, stomp, something. I'll hear even the most minute sound you make okay?"

Minju reluctantly nodded before watching Y/n approach the oncoming crowd.

Y/n scoffed, "You guys really are stupid!"

"We told you to keep your head low loser!"

"Did Sung not warn you not to fuck with me? Not even after what I did to him and his goons?"

"Sung did tell us what happened. But frankly, we don't give a fuck!"

"OoOoO~ I'm so scared! I'm being threatened by upperclassmen!!"

"Know your place you little shit."

"Oh, I do. My place is on top of you after I fold you like a beach chair!"

The man in the front looked back at the people behind him, before motioning to charge forward.

Y/n smirked, "At least you guys know not to go in one by one."

Minju closed her eyes in fear as Y/n stood still while the group of upperclassmen charged him. Unable to keep her eyes closed out of curiosity, Minju left her eyes slightly ajar to see Y/n stand still.

Don't just stand there- Do something!!

Minju's eyes wided when she saw Y/n turn his head towards Minju and smile.

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now