"It's alright. I'm happy to have someone to share this with," I smiled at her, letting her know that I was fine. She returned it.

"I'm glad you think that way," she smiled.

"It's about time we both get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day," Master Lian said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I smiled and watched her made her way out of my room, and a few seconds later, the door closed.

"Well that was interesting," I commented as Phoenix hopped onto my shoulder and started to chirp. I looked down at her and smiled.

Sometimes I really wish I have the ability to communicate with my slugs, but most of the time I had to guess what they were saying.

"I know Phoenix, time for bed," I said. I placed her down in one of the shelves where I dedicated it to the slugs, before I went to bed, wondering why Master Lian visited me.

Was she trying to tell me something but didn't because of how emotional our conversation ended up?

I'm overthinking again. She probably just wanted to say hi.

3 days before war...

"Alessia!" Pronto called out for me through the microphone that was connected to the speakers of the entire underground hideout. "I need you to be in our cavern hideout right now! It is extremely urgent-"

"Stop using the microphone Pronto! We have earpieces for a reason!" Kord could be heard cutting in in the background, and it followed by a yelp from Pronto.

"I'll be there," I informed Pronto through my earpiece with a smirk, before I instructed my trainees to practise on their own while I was gone. I hopped onto Dalinda and charged straight towards Wild Spores Cavern Hideout.

The doors of the cavern hideout creaked opened as I approached it. I pulled Dalinda to a halt and laughed when I saw Kord going off at Pronto on the stage.

"This is the seventh time you have used the microphone unreasonably! Why can't you just use your earpiece? You could have woken up the people that are still asleep!"

"Oh come on! Everyone likes to hear Pronto the Magnificent's angelic voice!"

"Yeah, and your angelic farts too."


"I heard it. You farted into the microphone two days ago."

"Wha- I did not!"

I finally made my way to the stage on Dalinda and greeted them when they finally noticed me. Kord then headed off to meet Grendel to discuss on their upcoming projects, leaving Pronto and I alone.

"So, what's the 'extremely urgent' matter?" I asked Pronto as Dalinda rolled her eyes at him.

"First of all, do not do that," he said as he pointed a finger at Dalinda, which she attempted to bite off but failed when Pronto pulled his finger back. "Secondly, as you know, Dana and I went to meet the Shadow Clan yesterday, and it didn't end up well."

"What did they say?" I asked.

"All they say was 'Those who harm slugs will perish!'", Pronto said, terribly mimicking the Shadow Clan. "And by their body language and facial expressions, I don't think they want to help us. I'm not even sure if they understand what is going on in Slugterra!"

I leaned back on Dalinda and sighed softly.

"Maybe I do need to pay a visit to the Shadow Clan territory myself," I mumbled.

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