Thursday, September 17 - Can't wait to see him

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Here I am, at seven in the morning, writing in my journal.  I usually don't write until the end of the night, but today, I just couldn't wait.

Connor texted me this morning. He apologized for not getting back to me last night.  He said he was sleeping when I messaged him.  He told me he goes to bed early every night because he goes to the gym before school each day. He said he would call me when he's finished with his workout. Now, as I'm trying to get ready for school, all I can think about now is his gorgeous body working out at the gym. It's a very distracting thought.

I suppose it's time for me to put my journal away and finish getting ready for school. I don't want to miss the bus, so I need to hurry. I'm going to continue writing tonight before I go to bed. 


This has been one of the best days of my life.  Connor called me in the morning before I left for school. We only talked for a few minutes because I had to catch the bus.  He told me he just got his license and that his grandfather lets him drive one of his cars to school.  He is so lucky that his grandfather has given him a car. I'm jealous.  I can't wait to get my license.  I'll be able to get it in November when I turn sixteen. Connor turned sixteen in July.  It's pretty cool that we are only four months apart in age.  It sucks that I'm not in tenth grade like he is, though.  I would have been in the tenth grade if I didn't repeat the third grade when I was a little.  

Later in the day, when I got to school, I was having lunch with Hannah when I looked up from my table and noticed Connor walking into the cafeteria.   It was like seeing an angelic being descend from the heavens. The light was shining off of his gorgeous black hair, and as I gazed into his eyes from across the room, all I could think about was how they reminded me of the bright blue sky. 

My heart started racing when I saw him approach our table. Moments later, he was standing in front of me, with a smile on his face, when he asked, "You mind if I sit with you?"   I froze.  I must have had the deer in the headlights look on my face.  I couldn't get my lips to conjure up any words.  Hannah responded for us and said, "Sure, we'd love for you to have lunch with us."  She put an extra emphasis on the word love and smiled and giggled when she said it. 

Unfortunately, Connor didn't stay long.  He said he was going to have lunch with his friends and that he just stopped by to say hi. After sitting with us for a few minutes, he smiled at me and said, "It was nice to see you.  I'll catch you later", as he got up and walked away. Watching him walk away was both disappointing and gratifying at the same time.  I didn't want him to leave, but I marveled at his beauty as I watched him walk away.

After lunch was over, I continued my day by going to the rest of my classes.  Sixth-period was a little awkward.  Tyler saw Connor sitting with me at lunch earlier. He asked, "So who is that guy you were having lunch with today?"  I told him that it was a friend of mine named Connor.  He seemed a little disappointed. After the bell rang, Tyler and I walked down the hall towards our seventh-period classes.

I was thrilled when the final bell rang, and school was finally over.  I rushed to my locker to gather my things, and when I opened my locker, I found another note from Connor inside.   This time he wrote:

"Hi, Paige. It was nice talking to you at lunch today. Maybe we can have lunch together tomorrow.  There are several fast-food restaurants down the street. 

I won't have time to talk to you today.  I have lots of homework to do and football practice after school.  Just meet me at our lockers after third-period tomorrow."

Your friend,


I'm so excited.  I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

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