Sunday, September 6 -Stuck at home babysitting

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Today was mom and dad's dinner date, and I had to stay home with Josh.  I didn't like it, but I knew I had to make the best of it. 

I rummaged through the cabinet to find something to eat and found a couple of cans of Spaghetti-O's. I opened up the cans, poured them into a couple of bowls, and put them in the microwave for a few minutes, and then Josh and I sat at the table to eat dinner.  As we were eating, Josh began asking me about the argument I had with Mom yesterday.  He asked me why I didn't want to stay home with him. I think he was upset.  I told him it isn't that I didn't want to spend the day with him, it's just that I was disappointed that I couldn't see my friend.  After I tried to explain it to him, he asked me if I really hated mom.  I told him that I don't hate her and that I was just mad because she wouldn't let me go to my friend's house. 

He didn't ask me any more about it after that.  We just finished our food and then went to the couch to watch tv.  He wanted to watch cartoons, and I was beginning not to feel very well, so I let him watch tv by himself while I went to my room. 

My mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of Hannah and Connor. I suppose that Hannah could've been telling me the truth.  I just don't understand why she didn't tell me that she was going to the fair with another friend.  We all could have met up at the fair and gone together.  I would like to have met her other friend. 

I ended up spending most of tonight in my room listening to my music and wishing I was with Connor. I didn't have anything to do other than wait for Mom and Dad to get home. 

I'm not looking forward to going to school tomorrow.  I wish I could just stay in bed all day and sleep, but I know Mom and Dad won't let me.

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