Friday, September 4- Is Tyler my new best friend?

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These last several days have been difficult.  I'm still not talking to Hannah.  We don't sit together at lunch anymore, and we ignore each other on the bus.

I've seen Connor at school a couple of times this week.  He didn't say hi to me when we were at our lockers this morning. He might have been in a hurry to get to class. 

I wish I knew what was going on between the two of them. I can't stand not knowing if Connor is dating my best friend.  I suppose that it doesn't matter because Hannah isn't my best friend anymore. 

Tyler and I have been talking a lot more these past few days. He's turning out to be a good friend.  He always walks with me to seventh-period before going down the hall to his last class of the day.  I've always thought that Tyler and Hannah would have made a great couple, but now, it seems like she is with Connor. I can't believe I was crazy enough to believe that I could be with a guy like him.

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