Monday, August 24- Movie theater with my friend

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Hannah wasn't at school today. I texted her, but she hasn't responded. I hope she's ok. I didn't see Connor today either. He didn't come by his locker all day. I'm sure we just missed each other.

Lunch was awkward today. I didn't have anyone to talk to. Several other girls sit at our table, but I don't know any of them. Hannah seems to be friends with some of them. She is better at making friends than I am.

Tyler asked me out today. We walked down the hall together after sixth period when he asked if I would go to the county fair with him this weekend. I told him I had plans and couldn't go. I feel bad, but I'm just not interested in him. I wish Hannah would go out with him.

I was so happy when the bell rang at the end of seventh period. School wasn't any fun without Hannah there.

I helped mom with dinner when I got home. After we finished eating, she gave me twenty dollars to go to the movies with Laura and her parents. I didn't want to go, but I didn't have anything else to do. I still hadn't heard from Hannah all day. So, I figured it might be fun.

We went to see a new movie that came out at the theater this week. It's called The Promise. I had never heard of this movie until Laura told me about it. When I asked her what it was about, she told me that all she knew is that it was a Christian movie that her parents wanted to drag her to.

Until now, I hadn't realized that the movie was based on a book written by one of my favorite authors- John Stone. I have read several of his romance novels, but I didn't know that He also wrote faith-based books.

I didn't think I would like it at first because Christian movies aren't my thing. But, I was surprised to see how amazing it was. The movie was based on his life story. It told of all the trials and tribulations that he had been through and how his faith in God carried him through it all. It was very inspiring. It's hard to believe that someone can endure so much pain and suffering and not lose their faith in God. I might have to get a copy of the book and check it out.

That's all I'm going to write tonight. I need to get some rest.   

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