Wednesday, August 26 - Just another day

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I woke up late this morning and missed the bus. I had to ask my mom to drive me to school. It was so embarrassing. I cringed as I got out of the car and heard her yell out, "I love you, Paige. I hope you have a nice day at school." I think I almost died right there in the parking lot.

I walked straight into the office to get a hall pass, and then to my locker to get my books for the first three classes. I didn't feel comfortable walking into class late because I knew everyone would stare at me as I walked in. So, I decided to wander around the halls until the second period began.

When I heard the bell ring, I ran to class. Hannah was already there and I only had a minute to catch up with her before class started. I asked her if she could come over today after school, but she said she couldn't. Her parents told her she wasn't allowed to go out until she finished all the assignments she missed on Monday.

I know how hard difficult it can be to catch up after missing a day of school. There was one time last year when I was really sick and missed almost a whole week of school. It took me forever to catch up on all the assignments I missed. There was a project in science class I missed and the teacher wouldn't let me make it up, so, she gave me a D on that assignment. It brought my grade down significantly in that class. I ended up passing, but with a grade lower than what I wanted.

The rest of my day wasn't anything to brag about. I didn't see Connor at all. I never seem to run into him at my locker. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. I'm sure he does. There's no way a gorgeous man like him doesn't have a girlfriend. I'm sure he has girls throwing themselves at him all the time. I know I would like to throw myself at him.

Sixth period wasn't so bad today. We had a test, and Tyler got an A, and I scored a C-, which isn't bad, but it's not great either. I didn't study for it. I knew I should have, but I didn't feel like it.

I talked to Hannah on the phone tonight after I got home. She told me she saw Steven and Michelle together at school. She said it didn't bother her and that she was happy that Steven had found someone else. I don't believe that she is ok with it, but I guess there's nothing she can do about it.

I asked if she would go to the County fair with me this weekend. She said she would have to check with her parents and let me know. I've been going to the fair every year since I was a little kid. My mom and dad used to take me each year, until last year, when I went with my friends for the first time. This year there's going to be a concert at the fair. Some country singer is performing. I don't know who it is, but I probably will enjoy seeing it. I hope Hannah can go with me. I already asked Laura if she could go. She told me she had to take her brother and sister to the fair this weekend. So I suppose I can go with her and her siblings if Hannah can't make it.

Well, there's not much else to write about tonight. So, I guess I should go to bed. That's it for tonight.  

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