Wednesday, August 19 - The man of my dreams

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I woke up a little late this morning. I ran to the bus stop and was barely able to make it on time.

I got to sit with Hannah this morning on the bus. She told me how much her mother liked me and how she had nothing but nice things to say about me. I told Hannah I liked her mom as well.

Hannah said her mother invited me over for dinner again today. I told her I couldn't because I already had plans with my friend Laura after school. I told Hannah I could come over tomorrow if it's all right with my parents.

When the bus finally arrived at school, I said goodbye to Hannah, took my backpack, and headed towards the exit. I then followed the crowd of students through the doors and into the hallway.

As I walked down the hall, I noticed that Connor was standing by our lockers, and so I stood back for a moment and watched as he took off his jacket. He was wearing a black t-shirt, and the sleeves wrapped tightly around his muscular arms. His chest looked as though it would rip through the shirt the next time he took a deep breath.

I was excited to have a chance to talk to him again. I was so nervous. I think I startled him when I walked up beside him. He looked over at me with his beautiful blue eyes, smiled, and said hi to me. I couldn't believe he remembered my name. I asked him how he liked school so far. He said it was OK. I was curious about what grade he was in, so I asked him. He told me he's a sophomore.

After a brief conversation, the bell rang, so we had to walk to our first class of the day. Again, our interaction was brief, but it was amazing.

My first class, history, wasn't much fun. We are studying the civil war. The only good thing to happen during this class was when our teacher told us about a field trip to Washington Dc later this year. I hope mom and dad let me go.

Mr. Sherman's class has been getting better. He still doesn't like anyone using their phones during class. I keep mine on the desk behind my stack of books, so he doesn't see it. Hannah and I were texting each other the whole time. She told me about something that happened in her first-period class. Apparently, another student came to school high on drugs. When the teacher recognized this, he called the police. The officer walked into the classroom and proceeded to read the kid his rights as he was about to arrest him, and that's when all hell broke loose. According to Hannah, the kid struggled with the officer and even reached for the officer's gun. Hannah told me that the teacher then screamed out to all the students, telling them to go down on the floor under their desks. After several moments of struggling, the officer finally got the kid down on the ground and handcuffed him. After the kid was in cuffs, the teacher told everyone they could get back in their seats. As the officer escorted the student out of the classroom, the teacher announced that the students could close their books and relax for the remainder of the class.

I can't believe that all of that happened in Hannah's class. I wish I would've been there to see it. Even though I wasn't there to experience it live and in person, I watched a video that one of the students filmed and posted online. It was crazy.

I don't know why anyone would even use drugs. It doesn't make sense to me. I've never tried any, and I have no interest in them at all. I have, however, enjoyed some wine from time to time. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help myself. My parents drink wine, and when they aren't home, I help myself to some. I'm pretty sure they don't know. It's not like I have ever been drunk. All I know is that if I ever did get drunk, I wouldn't be dumb enough to come to school while being intoxicated.

After Mr. Sherman's class ended, I wandered down the hall to my science class.

The science teacher told us we were going to dissect frogs on Friday. I'm not looking forward to doing this at all.

He assigned each of us a partner to work with on this project. My partner is going to be a girl named Michelle. She sits in the back of the class and talks to all the boys. I think this is the same girl Hannah told me about the other day. I hope she isn't rude. Even if she is, I don't care. I don't need any more friends.

I sat with Hannah again today at lunch. She told me about a guy that asked her out. She didn't say much about him. All she said was that they met during third period. I guess she left class to go to the bathroom and ran into him in the hallway. She gave him her number but said she didn't know if she would go out with him. She still hasn't gotten over her ex-boyfriend Steven. I think she still loves him. Unfortunately for me, I haven't met any potential boyfriends yet. I met Connor, but I'm sure he will never be interested in me. And then there is Tyler. He's nice, but he's not my type. I'm not sure if I will meet anyone interesting this school year.

I went to P.E. class right after lunch. I really hate it, but thankfully, we only have to take it once during high school.

Sixth-period was fun. We had a substitute teacher today. The sub just sat at the desk playing on his phone. He let us talk and do whatever we wanted. I spoke to Tyler a little bit. He helped me with some of my homework from fifth period. I almost got it all done. I will probably finish it on the bus tomorrow morning.

My last class of the day seemed to last forever. I couldn't wait for the bell to ring. I was tired and wanted to go home. I spent the entire class daydreaming about Connor. I haven't seen him in the hallways in between classes. We only seem to cross paths at our lockers.

By the time I got to my locker today after seventh-period, Connor was already on his way out the door. He must have headed towards the door right after class without stopping by his locker. All I remember seeing was his thick black hair as he walked out the door.

Hannah must have gotten tired of hearing me go on and on about him while on the bus ride home. I told her again about his beautiful black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and how hot he looks in a tight black t-shirt. She didn't seem all that interested in me sharing this with her. I thought for sure she would think I was crazy for liking him. But she didn't seem to care.

When I got home, I walked into the house and was immediately drawn to the kitchen, where I found mom listening to her favorite music while making her famous shepherd's pie. I got myself a snack and then went to my room to get started on my homework. I wanted to finish it before Laura came over. It didn't take me long to get it done.

Laura arrived a little while later, and we hung out and had fun for a little while before eating dinner.

After dinner, Laura and I hung out a little longer before she had to leave. And now that she's gone, I'm going to get ready for bed.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to another day at school with my future boyfriend -Connor.   

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