Chapter 4. Candy?

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"Um," I said looking at Guy sensei who was in lord 3rds office.  I returned last night I did a full report I'm here to see if Naruto is back. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" Guy Sensei yelled freaking out. "How 5 days ago you were fine" 

"I hate all of you," I said deadpan 

"AH," He fell to the ground in defeat.  

I giggled slightly at his reaction. 

"I'm fine anyway," I said I jumped as he jumped back up with a thumbs up.  

"I take it you had trouble," Lord 3rd asked me 

"Yeah. some dude tried kidnapping me for some reason" I said. 

"Some dude?" Guy Sensei said thinking 

"Hidan? Who the hells that" I asked. This Hidan guy seems to know a lot about me and I know nothing about him at all. 

"Don't know" Lord 3rd said. smoking 

"I hope you get asthma old geezer," I said annoyed-looking deadpan emotionless at him. "Guy sensei? how bout you" I asked looking over at him. 

"Nope," He said "Ah to be in the springtime of youth and know so many people" 

I rolled my eyes.   

"Any distinguishing features that stood out to you," Guy sensei asked me 

"Hmm oh wait here," I said handing a small drawing I did to Guy Sensei "His Cloak had clouds like that". 

Guy Sensei examined the drawing intently furrowing his brows slightly. 

"What's wrong," I asked him with furrowed brows in confusion. 

"Oh. Nothing" Guy Sensei said playing it off "You should go get some rest Traning tomorrow bright and early don't want you getting rusty," He said pushing me out the door. 

"Sensei" I struggled. "Wha-" The door closed in my face. 


I walked out of the office towards the store. I need to buy more candy for my stash. Oh, and I got chips for Choji. 

Speaking of "Choji!!!" I yelled running over to him 

"KYO" He yelled back excitedly. We fist-bumped laughing 

"Been a while Choji how are you?" I asked him excitedly. If dog ears could form over my head they would. 

"Fine What about you looks like you got beat up," Choji asked 

"Not really I'm fine oh here," I said reaching into my Ninja pouch pulling out chips. I handed them to him. 

"AHHHHH" Choji yelled Excitedly. "CHIPS" He yelled holding them up like the holy grail. 

I giggled at his reaction "Enjoy Choji" I said "Where you off to"  

"Training," He said 

"AH, Congrats on graduating Choji" I yelled jumping on him giving him a hug causing us both to laugh. 

We went separate ways 

I walked into the store and found a small bag of candies. I like the induvial wrapped one in case someone wants some. 

"Lee!" I called walking over to Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee. 

"Kyo" Lee ran over to me. 

"Hey," I said excitedly. "Lee Your never allowed to let me go on a mission without you guys kk" I said making him promise, 

"Chunin Exams they came back around fast," I said as I and Tenten practiced throwing Kuni and shuriken.  

"Did you hear we are going to have rookies at the exams?" Lee asked placing his hand on the target. 

"That's hasn't happened in what 5 years Lee?" I asked him rasing a brow

"Correct" Lee said. nodding 

"No way I bet it's just some Jonin trying to boot their egos," Tenten said spinning her Kuni 

"No there is more to the story than that" Lee said now resting against the tree hand on his right hip. 

Hot. Did I mention I have a crush on Lee moving on 

"Three of them are from Kakashi's Squad," Lee said 

"Hm" I hummed watching TenTen trow up and catch the spinning Kuni 

"Interesting" Neji said 

"Not very," Tenten said throwing the Kuni hitting the target above Neji's head. 

"Either way to bad for them," Neji said  

Causing Tenten to Chuckle. 

That means Naruto is gonna takes these exams. 

"This could be fun," I said hyped up 

"Your excited Weird" Tenten said 

"OH! I'm fired up" I said earning a laugh from Lee and Tenten.   

2 days later. 

I knocked on Narutos door.  It opened slowly to reveal a sleepy Naruto 

"NARUTO" I screamed jumping and hugging him. He yelled hugging back 

"KYO" We both spend the next few hours chatting and having fun. 

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