The man nodded.

Minju walked past the two figures, wincing at the sound of a muffled scream coming from behind her. Curious, Minju turned around to see her savior holding his hand over the man on the ground.

I need to get out of here...

As Minju walked past him, Y/n made sure she wasn't looking before putting his hand on the other man's ankle, and dislocating it. The man screamed in pain before Y/n prompting the boy to put his hand over the man's mouth, muffling most of the sound.

Y/n leaned in towards the man, "I tore multiple ligaments in your ankle so you can't escape. If I see you move at all from here, you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life."

When Y/n turned back around Minju started walking again.

Should I tail her? Or should I watch over her from the shadows?

Y/n began to walk, carefully catching up with Minju to not look suspicious to the public. The walk was extremely quiet. Something Y/n completely understood as he knew Minju wasn't aware who she was walking with. Feeling the anxiety from earlier leave his system, Y/n let out an inaudible sigh.

That was too close... I can't let her find out.

The two arrived at Minju's neighborhood where Y/n stopped prompting Minju to turn around.

"Thank you for saving me back there."

Y/n nodded, waving her off.

"May I ask what you're doing out late at night?"

Y/n shook his head. Feeling a bit frustrated at how nosy Minju was, Y/n typed another message into his phone.

You should go to sleep. You look like a student.

"Ah... Right. I'll head on now."

Y/n nodded before turning back to the crime scene.

Should I call her now? I don't know how she's feeling.

After walking a sizable distance, Y/n made sure that Minju didn't tail him, and pulled out his phone.

She might be asleep.

Y/n dialed her phone number and stood still with his phone to his ear.


"Did you need something?"

"Ah, don't worry about it."

"Oh, okay."

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, I needed to use the restroom."

"You didn't need to tell me that."

"What else was I supposed to tell you?"

"I don't know, just not that."

"Whatever. I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay. Good night."


Y/n hung up and continued walking back to where the man should be.

He's still there.

Y/n crouched down next to the man, lightly slapping his face to ensure he was awake.

"Hey dipshit. You're lucky I stopped you there. Had you gone any further, you would have incurred my wrath. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. You understand? You know how I easily shattered your ribs and dislocated your ankle? That could very easily have been your spine. If I so much as thought about it, I could torture you until you bled out internally."

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