Cry for Help

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After Barbara's explosion, Diluc ran home. A single tear leaked out from his eyes. He ran straight to the Dawn Winery, where he found peace and quiet there most of the time. However, he was followed today. It wasn't an enemy or an ally. It was like a neutral player in this. Diluc entered his office and slammed the door.

"Why? Why is this happening? It's like I'm being forced!" Diluc said to himself, looking kinda crazy. Someone opened his door. He turned to see Kaeya taking heavy breaths.

"Why... do you run... so fast?" He asked. Diluc clenched his fists.

"What do you want?" He asked. Kaeya regained his breath. He cleared his throat.

"Well, to start off, nobody is forcing you to do anything." He said. Diluc's eye twitched.

"Really? It seems like the only person anyone ever cares about is Jean!" He exclaimed. Kaeya went to speak but Diluc didn't stop. He had to let it out.

"Like, if it helps Jean, let's just do it! Who cares if the person involved doesn't want it!? Too bad!" Diluc explained. He was not happy. Kaeya walked over closer.

"But... didn't you love her as well?" Kaeya asked. Diluc didn't say anything.

"Why don't you try and do something?" He asked. Diluc grit his teeth.

"I can't. I already said, work is dangerous—" He was explaining before Kaeya cut him off.

"You really put work in front of a relationship?" Kaeya asked. Diluc was about to speak but Kaeya stopped him.

"I don't understand! You loved her as well, so what's the whole deal? I know you wouldn't want this. You said yourself! She's the Acting Grand Master! She can protect herself." Kaeya explained.

"But... that doesn't matter. What if there's a fight that one of us can't win?" Diluc asked.

"That's never gonna happen!" Kaeya shouted.

"How do you know!?" Diluc shouted back.

"Because you guys are the strongest people in Mondstadt!" Kaeya shouted back. Their shouts were loud.

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!" Diluc shouted in return.


"CAUSE THE LAST TIME I LOVED SOMEONE, THEY DIED IN FRONT OF MY EYES!" Diluc screamed in return, referring to his father. It was like the last person he ever loved. There was a moment of silence. Meanwhile, outside his door stood Barbara. She came to apologize, but couldn't enter the conversation. Tears formed in her eyes, hearing Diluc.

"Don't..." Kaeya began.

"DON'T WHAT!? CAN'T ANYONE JUST TRY AND UNDERSTAND ME!? IT'S LIKE EVERYONE ASSUMES I'M OKAY ALL THE DAMN TIME! JUST BECAUSE I OWN THE DAWN WINERY, IT'S LIKE I'M IRRELEVANT COMPARED TO THE KNIGHTS!" Diluc ranted on. He was sick of it. It's like he was alone compared to everyone else. Kaeya placed a firm hand on his shoulder, which made him stop. He pushed him backwards as he walked towards him. They hit the desk.

"Don't act like you're the only one affected by that." Kaeya said, tightening his grip. Diluc's eyes widened. There were tears in his eyes. Kaeya was there. He didn't enjoy it any more than Diluc.

"I know you think everything you said is true..." Kaeya began. Diluc grit his teeth. He felt tears begin to come up but stopped them.

"But if you think you're alone, you're wrong. I heard your cry of help back at the tavern, and before then. I wanted to help since that day, but don't forget who pushed everyone away." Kaeya explained.

Swirling Emotions [Genshin Impact] ~Diluc x Jean~Where stories live. Discover now