Overflowing Emotions

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Before we start, i have a few things to say. One, I haven't even started the archon quest yet lol. I need to do that. Hopefully my theory on Signora dying is true, cause then you can just call me a prophet lmao (don't spoil anything, unlike others. I don't have names, but people are bad at keeping spoilers)

Two, we are nearing the end of this story. I'm bad at predicting how many chapters are left, but it's close. So I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! (And hopefully I do a good job too lol)

"Jean! Look at this!" Barbara exclaimed, seeing a nice flower. Jean followed her and Barbara knelt down and looked at it.

"There aren't any of these in Mondstadt... Jean?" She asked, seeing Jean's uncomfortable yet debating face. She wasn't used to this. All she ever did was work, let alone spend any time with Barbara.

"Y-Yeah!? S-Sorry!" She said quickly, coming over. As she did, Barbara pouted.

"Let loose more! You're too stressed and alert!" Barbara complained.

"S-Sorry, I'm just not used to this... especially with what's going on..." Jean was saying. Barbara sighed.

"I know we still don't have all the details, but I'm sure everything is fine! What type of evil person would take us to such a nice place like this?" She asked. Jean sighed as well.

"I guess you're right. Maybe you're right..." Jean replied. Barbara nodded. The two walked around some more before Barbara got the idea to talk about a specific subject.

"So... if you don't mind me asking... are you and Diluc..." She began. Jean looked at her confused, then realized where she was going.

"Wha— n-no! Not at all! Not with work or anything. Besides, we're not that close. I mean, he comes and sees me often in mornings, but other than that that's it!" Jean said, obviously flustered. Barbara smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Y-Yes!" Jean shouted in response. Barbara giggled.

"I just thought. There was always a tension between you two recently, and it really showed there. I've also been kinda encouraging it. Just know, if you need any help, your sister is here!" Barbara said with a thumbs up. Jean thought about it. They were sisters, but never really acted like one because of work. She could take this opportunity to get closer. She stopped walking.

"Barbara..." She began. Barbara turned to her.

"I— I need help with something!" She exclaimed, turning as red as a tomato...

"Ah! So you do love Diluc!" Barbara said happily. Jean nodded timidly. She was completely flustered, but was a little okay with it because it was Barbara of all people.

"Yeah... b-but I don't know what to do!" Jean exclaimed once more. Barbara nodded with a smile.

"I see. I guess there's only one thing you can do." She said. Jean wondered what it could be.

"Confess!" Barbara smiled.

"What!? N-No! I can't!" Jean replied.

"Why not? It's not like you two don't always talk every morning and work great together as a team." Barbara explained. Jean sighed.

"I don't know..." She began.

"The way I see it, you two already are in a relationship. You admire him more than anyone else, and you're the only person he admires. Chances are, he likes you back!" Barbara smiled. Jean turned red thinking about it.

"Wha— I-I'll think about this more after this whole Dodoking situation!" Jean exclaimed, beginning to run away, flustered. Barbara smiled and laughed.

Swirling Emotions [Genshin Impact] ~Diluc x Jean~Where stories live. Discover now