Romance Novel

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Today, Diluc came into the Favonious HQ a little later. Jean wasn't there, which was why he went in later. He went to the library to talk to Lisa.

"Lisa, can I see your book catalogue? I'm interested in a certain book." He asked.

"Ara, just skipping the greetings? Anyway, here. Be sure to come to me before checking out." Lisa replied. Diluc took a large book from her.

"There's a lot of books." He said. He went and sat down at a table. He opened the catalogue and... was lost.

"At this rate, I'm never going to find it..." He thought. The words were small, and the amount of books cited were crazy. He looked around, and spotted two people. A little girl studying something, and a girl sitting one table over, reading a book. Diluc sighed. He walked over to the girl at the table.

"Uh... excuse me?" He asked. The girl turned to him.

"What has thou in mind for question?" She asked. Diluc looked confused.

"Ah, my apologies. Let me introduce myself. I am Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung! I recognize you as Master Diluc from the Dawn Winery. What wisdom do you seek from thee?" Fischl greeted herself. Diluc was confused.

"Uh... I... um..." He began. Suddenly, a bird popped out from nowhere.

"My apologies. What she said was, 'My name is Fischl. I already know you as Diluc. What do you need?'" The bird, Oz, replied.

"W-Well, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find a book that begins with the word 'lover's." He said. Fischl turned a bit red. She motioned him to follow as they walked to a corner of the library. She looked around a hit before grabbing the book.

"H-Here." She said. Diluc took it.

"Why is she so nervous?" He asked himself.

"Thanks... also, is this story any good?" He then asked. Fischl jumped.

"W-What makes you think that I've read that book?" She asked.

"Well, you knew exactly where it was without looking in they catalogue. I also didn't even mention it was a novel. Is this a good story or not?" Diluc explained and asked.

"P-Perhaps! The opinion of others aren't as great as mine, so you may not find this piece of work to be quite pleasurable! You're welcome!" She replied, running off. She must have read the story a few times now. Diluc looked at the story.

"Is it that lovey to get flustered over? I mean, I guess Jean did too..." He thought to himself. He went back up to Lisa, returning the catalogue and checking out the book.

"Ah, Lover's Desire? Jean has a copy of this checked out. It seems to be a hit with people that enjoy novels. If she likes it, no doubt you'd love it." Lisa winked. Diluc took the book and left the library.

"What a weird day." He said to himself. As he left the library, he made eye contact with Kaeya, exiting his office. Kaeya looked at what he was holding. Diluc instantly went and hid it behind his back.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked.

"Nothing." Diluc replied. The two stared at each other in silence for a second. Kaeya tried to see what was behind his back as Diluc kept turning away from him.

"Come on! I know it's a book!" Kaeya complained.

"Well obviously. Did you think I just pulled a brick from the wall in a library?" Diluc asked in return. Kaeya stopped trying to see the book and stared at him.

Swirling Emotions [Genshin Impact] ~Diluc x Jean~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt