The Holy Lyre of Whatever

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Diluc gave everyone a mask.

"Put it on. They won't know you're from Mondstadt." He said.

"How is putting a mask on that covers only our eyes considered a disguise?" Aether asked. Everyone looked at him.

"Ask Mihoyo." Diluc replied. The four all walked into the stronghold. At first, it looked dangerous, but then kinda desolate.

"Where is everyone?" Aether asked.

"Guys, look here." Jean called out. The other three walked over to her to see her slouched over a few people.

"They're just unconscious, but it seems someone came through here. More than one too." Jean explained. Diluc looked at where the next room was.

"I bet it was Abyss Order. Everyone, stay on high alert. Things got even more dangerous." Diluc explained. Everyone nodded as they followed his lead. The next room they entered, they were quickly swarmed with Hilichurls of all kinds. The four quickly plowed through them like they were nothing. I mean, it's technically 4 five stars and Paimon.

"Why are they here?" Aether asked.

"Probably to get their hands on the lyre. If they do, we're in bigger trouble than if the Fatui had it." Diluc explained. After plowing through a few more hoards of Hilichurls, they found two Fatui members hiding out.

"This is... this is bad..." One of them said. The other one turned to Diluc and the rest of them and screamed.

"GET BACK!" He shouted.

"Quiet down or they'll hear you. We're obviously not monsters." Diluc said. The two Fatui members calmed down.

"S-Sorry! W-Were just a little on edge." One of them said.

"Alright, well we'll take it from her." Jean replied. The four walked into the next room to see a bigger door. They found a mechanism to activate it, but it wouldn't work.

"We need a key. Split up." Diluc said. Aether and Venti walked to one room while Jean and Diluc walked to another one.

"This is nerve wracking, but not so bad." Jean said. Diluc nodded in agreement.

"We're not done yet thought. There's gotta be some guards protecting the lyre." He said. Jean nodded. As the two searched for the key in the room, an Electro Cinin Mage walked in.

"Oh, also looking for the key?" She asked. Jean and Diluc turned to each other. The Cinin Mage looked at the two for a second.

"Hey wait a minute—" The Cinin Mage began right before Diluc rushed at her with his Claymore. She quickly refuted with a few bolts of electricity. Diluc was able to dodge all of them and attempt to attack. Right before hitting, the Mage teleported behind Jean. Jean turned and used Anemo to pin her to the ground.

"Aren't you two the Acting Grand Master—" The Cinin Mage was saying right as Diluc knocked her out with the flat side of his claymore.

"Forget that. Anyway, that was close." Diluc said. Jean nodded in agreement.

"Your movements... I really wonder if you could beat Eula in a battle." Jean said.

"I probably could if I tried." Diluc grinned in response.

"Hey! We found the key!" Paimon shouted.

"Good. Let's get going then." Diluc said. The four activated the mechanism as the next door opened. While they made their way to it, they saw the Holy Lyre.

"There it is!" Jean shouted, quickening her pace. Diluc spotted something in the corner.

"Jean, wait—" He was saying as he reached for her. He barely managed to enter the room right as the door shut.

Swirling Emotions [Genshin Impact] ~Diluc x Jean~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt