Chapter 17

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It was Friday and Gon and Killua were walking down the street. They had gone to the skate shop again to turn in more designs, he was feeling more confident in himself. Well, sort of. He could pass by people on the street without being paranoid or scared, being approached was a different story. "Ne Killua, let's take the long way home" Gon said. Killua blinked, "why?" he smiled. "so you can build up your endurance a little. Your body is way weaker than it should be, this is a good way to get back on track" he blinked. Is it? Well, he didn't really go places much. Sure he might go skating for about an hour every few days, but other than that he just sat in his room. Mother had stopped taking him out places after eleven years old because he 'caused problems'. So they took a detour, Killua was actually kind of enjoying this to be honest. It's so nice out here-

Suddenly five big males who looked a few years older than them came down the secluded area, which was pretty much an alleyway for all intents and purposes. Killua felt kind of nervous, but he moved a step closer to Gon and kept walking to the side. What he noticed was that each person had a colored bandana. The tallest one was black, the two next to him were blue and red, and the others were yellow and green. Suddenly Black stopped, and Gon paused as well. "oh hi, need something?" he said, giving them a smile. The other four also stopped walking, forming a loose circle around him. "what're you kids doing here?" he said harshly. Killua sensed the danger in his tone and took a step back, gripping Gon's hand tightly. He was next to the wall and still behind him, but he wanted to run and not stay. "Oh, me and Killua were just taking the long way home" Gon responded honestly, then Black shot a glare at him. "this is our turf, you go through without permission you pay the price"

Killua's eyes went wide. 'pay the price?' I don't like the sound of that. "we're sorry, we'll be gone in a-" Black snapped his fingers and Red took a step forward and raised his fist, images of Gon with a bloody face and lying on the ground flew through his mind. NO! Killua let his hand slip from Gon's, before shoving himself in front and squeezing his eyes shut as he braced himself. Killua was used to pain, Gon wasn't. Gon getting hurt scared him more than getting hurt himself did. The guy's gloves must have been spiked because he felt a sharp sting of pain just above his left eye as the blow hit. There was a gasp from behind him, "Killua!" he opened his eyes, fighting back his fear and standing between the group of males and Gon. "what's this we have here?" Black asked with a half smirk. "a doll?" I have to protect Gon, there's no time to be scared. "y-you leave him alone!" Killua said, his voice came out a little more shaky then he was hoping and he wasn't exactly intimidating.

A few of the colors started to snicker to themselves, Black huffed. "what's a fragile doll like you doing protecting someone stronger than you?" he might be stronger than me, but I can cope with pain. If I can just get them to focus on me...Killua took a step forward, and tried to calm his nerves. "I-I won't let you hurt him!" Black smiled cruelly, then pointed. "get him" Killua's eyes went wide and he tried to keep Blue and Green away from Gon, but they just shoved him out of the way and grabbed his arms. Killua felt tears sting his eyes as Gon dropped his phone, fear etched into his face. No! Black picked up the phone, then his smile faded. "Tsk, think sending a location to your friend will help you? This can be easily fixed" he typed a few things then clicked enter and powered off the phone before dropping it again. "help's not coming for you" nobodies coming, I have to protect Gon on my own. Killua quickly turned and slid out his wallet, grabbing a few dollar bills before slipping it back in and turning around. His breath caught in his throat as he watched Red slam his fist into Gon's face.

"Stop!" he yelled, everybody turned to him. "and why should we? You can't do anything. Don't worry doll, we'll get to you next" Black said viciously, before opening his mouth again to order his grunts. Killua ignored the tears gathering in his eyes and held the money out, it was about 500 dollars. "I'll give you money, please!" Black paused, then snatched the cash from his hand and examined it with slightly raised eyebrows. "you aren't getting yourselves out of this" he said, before slipping it into his pocket. Killua took a breath and pointed to Gon. "I'm not paying you to let me go, I'm paying you to leave him alone" Black narrowed his eyes slightly, "come again?" he walked over and stopped about a meter in front of him, tears were streaming down his face and he was terrified. But I can't run. Instead he lowered his head and closed his eyes. "I-I won't run. Y-You can hit me as much as you want. Just please, don't hurt him" silence for a few moments, then a slight chuckle. "very well" Black said.

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