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Killua rubbed his eyes and sat up, glancing up at the clock. It's 7:30, shit. He had to leave at 8:00, Killua had somewhere to be today and he couldn't be late. He sat up, booped Alluka's stuffed puppy on the nose, and slid out of bed. What should I wear today? He had plenty of options, but he felt like wearing something simple today. So he grabbed a navy blue tank top and some rolled up brown shorts. It was simple but fashionable. The bathroom was actually connected to his room, he was pretty sure it was the master. He had always wondered why he got the master bedroom instead of mother, it would probably always puzzle him. Anyways, after his daily shower and dressing of his clothes, he sat at his favorite thing in the room. It was his makeup table. It was a desk with a mirror on it essentially, placed near his window and with a simple chair. He popped a mint in his mouth like he did every morning, then sat at his makeup table and looked in the mirror.

 He popped a mint in his mouth like he did every morning, then sat at his makeup table and looked in the mirror

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(please ignore my shitty editing, but he pretty much looks like this. Except with you know, a blank expression)

"shitty as usual" he huffed, using his concealer to hide his heavily scarred face. When he was done his skin looked flawless. Afterwards he added some eyeliner and a bit of mascara, then moved onto his neck and arms. Killua was still very much into fashion, no way in hell his mother could ever change that. He winced slightly at the cut on his ear mother had given him a few days ago, it still kind of hurt. He got some prosthetic he thought it was called, It pretty much looked like fake skin if he did it right. Killua applied it to the ear in a thin layer to hide the scab and then used his concealer on it as well. After he was done it had disappeared, so long as nobody touched it. Three years had passed, he was now 15 and had shit to do. Said shit did not include school though because mother didn't let him for some reason, he had to figure it out himself online.

After he was done with his mint he grabbed Luka, Alluka's stuffed puppy. Killua always brought it with him when he went out, he didn't give two fucks if he was 15 and 'too old for toys' the damn thing would go with him. It was a Wednesday, which meant he had to go outside and 'be normal' according to mother. Whatever the hell that means. If he wasn't out by 8:00 sharp, he'd be forcefully shoved out and would get hit in the face with a whip when he got home. Killua had fucking no clue where she got the whip from, but it hurt pretty bad and he could avoid it if he tried. If he didn't come back home by noon, than he wouldn't get to eat lunch. He glanced at the clock again. Damn it, 7:56, I don't have time for breakfast. He grabbed his wallet and skateboard, then slipped his backpack on. Killua could just get some food somewhere else, shouldn't be too hard right? He made sure to grab his earbuds and his phone as well, music was a lifesaver.

He made sure to avoid mother on his way out the door, that bitches' preferences changed as fast as the damn wind. Despite being a fucked up 15 year old with no social life or happiness, he had managed not to be downright depressed. It pretty much consisted of, 'fake it till you make it', and a special barrier he had erected. Killua made a wall in his mind, it kept his sadness and depression at bay as long as he kept his cool. That was pretty easy to be honest though, the only times when the wall starts to crack is when he got beaten, but it never fell. He had put up that wall two years ago to save himself from the pain, although he didn't really feel sad he didn't feel happy either. He put his earbuds in and turned on his playlist, then slipped his phone into his pocket and began skating the streets. He had taken the same route every Friday, Monday, and Wednesday, since he was thirteen

Due to that fact, he kind of had a reputation at the school he always passed by. Some waved at him, some made faces, some tried to flirt with him, some tried to talk to him, even a few of them tried to mess with him by throwing things and stuff. But Killua always ignored them. He ignored them and kept on skating, occasionally he had to swerve around some dumbass who thought standing in front of him would make him stop. Hell, even some of the teachers tried to interact with him as well. For some reason when he passed by, it was always before school when a whole bunch of people were just standing out front. He also had a reputation at some sort of fast food place he always passed by, the employees would always smile and wave at him as he skated by. The people called him, Awai Hana, or Awai Bara. Every now and again he would get tossed some money though, that was kind of useful. Even though Killua knew how to pickpocket, he found that it was usually more trouble than it was worth.

Today was one of the few days he actually stopped, kicking up one end of his board at the drive through. "how can I help you today Awai Hana?" I still don't understand this nickname shit. "I'll have two plain breakfast sandwiches, keep the change" he knew that that would cost 4.39, but he handed out a five dollar bill instead. The guy nodded, "jump to the front if you want" why though? Why the hell do I get away with this? He didn't really question it though, just skated past a few cars and over to the window. For some reason everybody knew who he was in this damn place, so the lady at the window gave him a smile. "welcome back Awai Bara" one thing he was good at, was keeping a straight face. So he kept on a monotone expression as he said what he ordered. "2 breakfast sandwiches" his order usually came within 2 or 3 minutes, even if the person before him had already ordered. seems kind of unfair again, but I'm not complaining.

Approximately 60 seconds later he got his meal, without the bag. Whenever he got a bag he just threw it away so the people stopped giving him one. "have a nice day!" the lady shouted as he skated off, munching on his sandwich. It wasn't very flavorful, it was pretty much a sausage on a biscuit. He had finished one and was finishing up the second when he got within sight of the school, as usual he got waves and winks and projectiles thrown at him. Killua had gotten pretty good with avoiding those, he turned down the music when he was near the school so he could hear projectiles and voices usually. He had passed by and gotten winked at like ten times by the same damn fangirls. There was this group of girls who always stood near his path and giggled, winking and flipping their hair. None of you know how to apply makeup properly, you've got way too much and holy SHIT that fucking lipstick is awful- not only was the color so not her style, but it wasn't properly applied and rode up on her nose a little. He didn't know much about girls, mostly what he knew was from his mother.

Killua had been given three rules when being around girls. 1, don't hang around girls your age. 2, do not flirt back, and 3, no fucking. He honestly wasn't sure what that last part meant, but he didn't question it. As he passed the school, he turned his music up again. Killua had skated for about three minutes when he felt his backpack get jostled. What the fu- when he turned, he froze. There was a group of three people, two were male but there was a girl in the middle. And that girl was holding up his Luka plush. "what the hell is this? A children's toy?" she said, then rolled her eyes. "a boy like you doesn't need stuffed animals, grow up and-" he took a step off his board, shutting off his music. "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about bitch" he said in a low tone. Her eyes widened slightly, "your voice is so young" I'm 15 dumbass. He knew this was one of the bitches from the school, they all wore the same uniform. If she doesn't give it back soon I'm gonna fucking snap- she huffed, "now. Why don't you trash this kiddy toy and come hang out with me?"

He felt his hands clench slightly, Killua was losing his cool and fast. "that plush was given to me by someone special, now back the fuck off and-" she scowled. "someone special? Was she a girl?" he shot her a glare, "yes, now give it-" she raised a hand. "only if you go out with me" he gritted his teeth. "No fucking wa-" she shredded it's head off and his breath caught in his throat. L-Luka... Alluka... his hands went to his head, trembling and tears stung the corners of his eyes. The wall was collapsing, breaking and crumbling down into nothingness. It exposed his weakness, his pain, his fear. Killua started to hyperventilate rapidly "it's just a-" Killua let out a wordless scream, the three jumped back in shock and he fell to his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. "IT'S JUST A DAMN PLUSH!" the girl yelled. Killua sobbed, bringing his trembling hands to the toy. "i-it w-was my little s-sisters..."

The girl looked horrified. "I-I'm sor-" she tried to reach down and touch his shoulder so he punched the bitch who destroyed Luka as hard as he could. "YOU BITCH! YOU JUST KILLED WHAT LITTLE FUCKING GROUNDING I HAD IN LIFE. GET LOST BEFORE I KILL YOU" she had tripped and fallen, so he pounded her face into the concrete. The girl screamed, she was dragged away from him by the other two but after they left his range he turned back to Luka's dead body. That's how he saw it, Luka was dead and Alluka... he sobbed just thinking about it, crouching in front of the mutilated stuffed animal and sobbing into his hands. It probably looked like he'd been the one pounded into the cement by how hard he was crying. Alluka...

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To be continued...

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