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As soon as Killua woke up, he felt like shit. "the fu-" his eyes snapped open and he glanced around. This isn't my room. It's so... green. Yesterday was kind of fuzzy, he remembered some woman named aunt mito and a boy his age named Gon, but he couldn't remember how he met them. His eyes drifted to the nightstand, where Luka sat. he booped her on the nose like he did every morning, then sat up and glanced around. I have no clue where the fuck this place is, but I need a nice long shower and my makeup. He glanced around for his bag, Killua always had backup concealer in it. He spotted it along with his skateboard up against the wall. Killua slid out of the bed and checked the dresser for clothes, he sifted through it for a bit before he came upon something more his style. It was a grey and blue hoodie, and it was a bit big on him but he liked it. He also found some grey pants that matched, then slung them over his shoulder. After he did that he grabbed his makeup bag, then made his way to the bathroom. He heard a noise, but ignored it as he opened the door.

Killua was used to heavier doors and accidently slammed it. "ah shit, oh well" he shrugged it off. He dropped his stuff and took off his clothes, then got into the shower and took exactly 15 minutes. When he was done, he walked over to the mirror and stared at his reflection. "shitty as usual" he huffed, Killua didn't know when he started saying that but he did it every day after his shower. It was pretty much a habit, he started applying his concealer as well. When he was done he realized he forgot to put on his clothes and dressed himself, he didn't have any new undergarments but he could get some somewhere. After that he selected some eyeliner and mascara, then applied a light eyeshadow because he felt like it this morning. After he was done he did a pose in the mirror, not like he needed to but when he watched youtube people always did that. "great, no-" he somehow slipped and fell, "fuck" he sighed, then stood back up and looked down at his knee. He rolled up the pants and then grabbed a band aid out of his bag. He always had a few just in case, he stuck it to his small scrape and then let the pants fall back over it.

What time is it? He pulled his phone out and saw that it was 9:30. oh, I missed breakfast. Mother would make breakfast at seven thirty on every other weekday and weekends as well. I'm not that hungry anyways. So he opened the door, only to pause when he saw aunt mito outside the door. "oh hey" she blinked in confusion. "are you alright?" he shrugged, "I guess" she sighed, "breakfast's downstairs on the table for you" he paused. But it's 9:30. he frowned slightly, "didn't I miss breakfast?" she smiled, "you did, but we kept some for you when you woke up" this confused him. "why?" aunt mito looked kind of worried. "just come down stairs dear" he shrugged, than grabbed his backpack and started on his way downstairs. It didn't take long for him to find the kitchen, there was a plate of bacon and eggs. He slid down and picked up the fork, crossing his legs as he did so. It was one of his weird habits that he always had since diplomacy class. He ate in silence for a few minutes, the food was good but he couldn't bring himself to really care.

"Killua?" he glanced up at Gon, who was standing in the doorway with a surprised expression. "good morning" he said, in his monotone voice he usually always carried when his wall was put up. He went back to eating and didn't look up as Gon came down to sit next to him. "you seem different this morning" aunt mito said, she was also standing in the doorway. Killua finished his meal and set his fork down, then put his hands behind his head. "I don't really remember yesterday all that much, just your names and how you look" he thought for a moment. "oh right that same damn group of teenagers were at the school yesterday, bitches always try to flirt with me" Gon looked enormously confused. "your entire personality changed" he blinked over at Gon. Did it? "I don't know what you mean, this is usually how I act" there was silence for a few seconds and he lowered his hands, instead placing them next to him on the chair. Gon looked kind of worried. "you were bawling your eyes out yesterday" he frowned slightly. "why would I be crying? I'm pretty sure I didn't get any new bruises or cuts. I would have noticed"

Love Is Pain (HxH Au) (Killugon)Where stories live. Discover now