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Gon was pretty normal if he said so himself, he lived alone with his aunt mito and they got along well. His father had left him as a kid for unknown reasons, and he never met his mother. Aunt mito is my only mother! And she's a great one. He was actually homeschooled though, he didn't know how aunt mito took care of an energetic 15 year old and taught him as well, that 15 year old being him. He had a few friends he met a while back, Leorio and Kurapika. Leorio was going to collage to be a doctor, and Kurapika was a police officer. Even though he was pretty young for his job, Kurapika did pretty well at it. He had some sort of reason but Kurapika never told him the full story, just that some group called the 'phantom troupe' were the ones he was after. He's also irritated at the sight of spiders for some reason, stabbed one with a fork while he ate over at his house out back. Aunt mito had asked him to go get some milk and other groceries because she was doing something, so he leapt his way out the door and bounced down the street.

As usual, he got weird looks. Gon was known at the 'weird kid', he seemed too childish for his age and he didn't have a whole lot of long term friends because of it. But Gon didn't really care, life was fun so he was going to live it to the fullest! And then he heard something, it sounded like crying. Out of sheer curiosity, he peeked around the corner. What the- there was a curly white haired teenager crouched in the middle of the sideway, and he was bawling his eyes out. Gon blinked a few times. Why's he so sad? Gon walked over to him, but he didn't respond. That was when he realized there was a shredded plush in front of him. Is he crying.... Because someone broke his plush? That seemed pretty childish to him, until he saw his facial expression. Gon's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of the raw emotion in those sparkling blue eyes. He looks so broken, like he lost a piece of himself. His eyes drifted down to the plush. Why does losing that plush make him so upset? And then he remembered his father's fishing rod. What if it belonged to somebody that left him, or died? It looks like they died by his expression to be honest. Man, I feel kind of bad...

Gon bit his lip, trying to come to a decision. Aunt mito knows how to sew, but I'm supposed to be bringing home groceries- and then he saw the blood. There was blood on his knuckles, but it wasn't his. Holy crap, there's blood on the ground as well. Did he hurt whoever did that to his plush? Maybe I should fix it, it's the right thing to do. He reached down to touch it and suddenly the previously unresponsive white haired boy grabbed his arm, clenching it tightly. But he's not very strong. Gon happened to like running and jumping and climbing trees, so he was pretty athletic. But this boy seemed way too fragile for his age, it took him minimal effort to pry the hand off him. "N-No!" he said, trying to push him away. "hey, I'm not trying to steal it" he looked at him with distrusting eyes, and Gon gave him a smile. "my aunt mito knows how to sew, she can fix it for you" there was a pause, then he saw a small shimmer come back to his eyes. "fix...Luka?" luka must be the name of the plush, I think it's a girl by the coloring. I shouldn't get the pronoun wrong, some kids hate that.

Honestly he was treating him like a 5 year old right now, but he was acting like one too so that works right? Gon literally had no other ideas on what to do right now. He nodded, "my aunt mito can fix her for you, she could be ready by tomorrow morning" that was if she didn't have anything important to do. He looked so hopeful. "really?" this is so confusing- and then he tried to stand up. Gon had to catch him as he wobbled and fell, he frowned slightly. "can you walk?" he shook his head, trying his best to wipe his tears. " legs are all w-weak" he reached a hand out to Luka and the skateboard that was propped up on a wall not too far away. I guess I could try to carry him. Gon gently put the mutilated plush in his backpack, then grabbed the skateboard and shoved it in there as well. It stuck out a little, but he didn't have a choice right now. The curly haired boy blinked at him for a few seconds, before gasping as he was lifted bridal style. He realized with alarm, that he was insanely light as well. Why the hell is he so light? Does he even eat?

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