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He knew he was approaching the fast food place and turned again, going back to keep pace with Gon. "fast food place coming up, we didn't have breakfast" he pointed out. Gon gave him a smile, "sure we can do that, but how exactly do I stop?" he sighed, then skated ahead a few meters. At which point he turned and kicked one end of the board up, coming to a stop. Gon blinked, then copied him. That was actually pretty good. "we can just walk in the store-" Killua shook his head, "drive through, watch this" he slipped out his wallet and started skating towards the window. "Oh Awai Hana! Welcome back-" the lady at the window paused as Gon ran up behind him. "wait for me!" he rolled his eyes. "I thought you were supposed to be fast" he huffed. "your fast on that skateboard of yours! And I had to carry mine!" he sighed. "aight, pick something" he walked over to the menu with wide eyes. "so many-" there was a honking sound and he shot a glare at the car behind him. "OI! FUCK OFF!"

Gon needed time, so he'd give him time. Gon winced slightly, "you might want to tone it down with the swearing a little" he blinked over at Gon. "huh?" Gon had chosen an order and gestured for him to make one too. "I'll just take a plain breakfast sandwich-" Gon scoffed. "really? Theirs all these good options!" he blinked. "then what do you suggest?" he pointed. "get some fries and a chocolate shake!" he shrugged, then quickly estimated the cash required and slipped out a 20 dollar bill. "I'm pretty sure it's more like 15-" he ignored Gon and slid it out on the counter to the confused drive through worker. "keep the change, let's go Gon" he went to jump the line but Gon grabbed his arm, "hold on! We can't just-" he sighed heavily, "I go here pretty much every week, follow my lead" Gon nodded and followed him to wait at the window. "welcome back Awai Bara-" once again the person at the window blinked in surprise. "you never bring friends"

Gon beamed, "Hi! I'm Gon!" Killua kicked up his board and leaned on the wall like he always did, the two at the window just chatted and occasionally handed out food to drivers. It's been almost four minutes. That's odd. "it's taking longer than usual" Killua said, and Gon blinked over at him. "really?" he nodded. "two or three minutes usually" Gon giggled, "that's because there's more stuff! Also you didn't get something plain." he thought for a moment. "oh" it took about three more minutes for their stuff to come out, and Gon started to complain about how he couldn't carry his board with him. Killua sighed and picked it up, then stepped on his own and grabbed his fries. Never had these before, I think their made of potatoes though. Gon decided to hold his shake and they started to walk again. Well, Gon walked. Killua was still gliding passed smoothly, like he always did. Eventually they got to a park and sat down at one of the picnic tables.

Gon gave him a smile, "can kitten come out?" he glanced around, there were at most 3 people nearby. And they don't seem to be that loud. He nodded, then closed his eyes and put a hand to his face like he usually did. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5- he blinked, then glanced down at the food on the table. "never had fries before" he mumbled. Gon smiled, before taking a big bite of a burger of some sort. "their awesome!" he slipped one into his mouth and blinked in surprise at the flavor. "salty potatoes" but it wasn't quite that, there was also a different flavor in there. It made him want to have more, so he started picking them up in two's as he ate. It took him a few minutes, then he turned to the shake. "never had this before either" Gon ruffled his hair. "you'll love it, it's sweet and tastes like chocolate" chocolate? I can't remember what that tastes like. So he took a sip and his eyes went wide. Holy crap!

Killua did that a few more times, then suddenly he gasped as his brain started to hurt. "O-Ow!" Gon put an arm around him as he started to freak out, "it's called a brain freeze, that's what happens when you drink cold things too fast" it... is? After a while he felt normal again and bit his lip. "you can have the rest" he mumbled, not wanting it to happen again. Whatever that 'brain freeze' thing was, felt really weird. Gon sighed, "if you insist" then he paused, before removing his straw and putting in one of his own. Why go through the trouble? It's so wei- "HEY!" Killua jumped, sliding between Gon and the table. Gon was now between him and whoever had shouted, but he was practically sitting on his lap. "K-Killua!" he glanced over Gon's shoulder at the person who yelled, there was a guy in a suit with black hair running over to them. w-why is he running? Is he mad? Killua shoved his face into Gon's shoulder and he felt a hand on his back. "Oh all right, what was it this time?"

Gon glanced over his shoulder and his eyes widened. "Leorio?" is that a name? another one of Gon's friends? Maybe they shouldn't go to the park so often, it just caused trouble. Killua eventually stopped trembling and Gon stood up, taking a step forward so he had space to hide behind him. He peeked over Gon's shoulder as 'Leorio' came to a halt a few feet away. "Gon!" he flinched a little out his voice. So loud... "I saw you sitting there so I thought I'd say hello-" he suddenly paused, eyes going wide. "hold on a second. You with the white hair" he flinched again, and Gon shifted a little. "wait a moment, stop being so loud. Your scaring him" Leorio rubbed the back of his head. "sorry, but it's important" he ducked a little further behind him when he pointed in his direction. "I've seen that boy before" his eyes widened. Does he know mother? He has black hair, He could be related to her! Killua's arms started to tremble and tears stung his eyes. "hey!"

Gon turned and slid his arms around him in a hug, giving him a smile. "calm down, you're ok" he looked up into Gon's honey brown eyes and his body stopped trembling as much. Gon won't let him take me. He's right, I'm safe. Killua nodded, calming himself. The process was kind of slow, but it happened. As soon as he was alright, Gon let go and instead put an arm around him. "sorry about that, he has all sorts of triggers" Gon said apologetically. Leorio looked extremely concerned. "that's worrying, anyways how old are you?" he bit his lip, "15" he mumbled. Leorio's eyes widened, "Oh, so you were twelve" he blinked. "h-huh?" Gon looked lost as well. "I remember seeing you before about three years ago, when I used to work at that clothing store" Gon stiffened a little and Killua flinched slightly, "I- um... nh" Gon ruffled his hair, "you should put your wall up" he glanced upwards at Gon, "you sure?" he nodded. "it's for the best"

He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and focused for a few seconds. "what's he-" Killua blinked, then sighed heavily at his headache. "why is it that every time that happens I get a big ass headache?" he asked, standing up properly. Gon removed his arm and he glanced over at him. "what's the deal this time? Can't remember anything after the shop" he pointed to someone and Killua looked over at a guy with glasses, a suit, black hair, and an odd expression. He sighed. "before you ask me what the hell just happened, let me explain it" he said, this was the fourth time having to explain his damn wall. "so I go by Awai Hana, or Bara. Whatever the hell you wanna chose." he shifted slightly, putting his hands behind his head. "the person who was probably crying a few seconds ago's nickname is Kitten, although we both are technically the same person. That identity being Killua" the black haired guy thought for a moment. "so you have two personalities?" he nodded. "pretty much. Kitten's all jumpy and skittish, hence the name. I, am pretty much the opposite." he put a finger to the side of his forehead. "putting the wall up brings me out, the wall pretty much blocks certain memories and most emotions so I'm not scared of everything"

He sighed. "I also don't remember your name, sorry if you said it" he blinked. "It's Leorio" he shrugged, "yeah whatever, what happened this time?" Gon rubbed the back of the head. "he said something about knowing you from something when you were twelve, I know that's a sensitive age" Leorio frowned slightly and he snorted. "well that's one way of putting it, any hints? Don't remember shit" Leorio walked over and sat down across from him and Gon at the table, they both sat down as well. He crossed his legs like he always did, resting his hands on the table. "you were at a clothing store-" Killua sighed heavily. "I remember that" then he remembered the glasses, snapping his fingers. "Ah, you were that guy with the weird glasses who asked where my parents were" he nodded and Gon poked his shoulder. "huh?" Gon bit his lip. "where exactly on the timeline is this?" he means in relation to the story I've already told. "after the call, before father got there. I was like, an hour early or something" Leorio shifted a little. "I remember you having some sort of mood swing-"

Killua snorted. "I remember that too, actually I remember my exact words" he thought for a moment. "who cares what I said, I'm gonna see my goddamn father and Alluka's gonna be there too. I'm gonna finally get rid of my bitch of a mother and have a normal life, don't ruin my fucking moment" Gon winced slightly, "you were using that type of language at 12?" he blinked. "I had lived with my mother for 2 damn years, it pretty much came naturally" Leorio looked kind of worried again. "but, what I remember the most is what happened after you came out of the café" Gon glanced at him with an interested expression. He sighed, "sorry about her, she's a bitch. I tried to get her to leave you alone but you saw how that turned out" Gon looked away and he couldn't see his expression. "I don't like when you talk about it like that, kitten doesn't like it either" he frowned slightly over at Gon. "what do you mean?" then Gon turned, and he saw that his eyes were kind of shiny. "don't you dare cry, I told you how it gets on my nerves"

1859 words

To be continued...

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