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He and Gon were just talking in a park, he didn't really know where he was. They were standing in a grassy area, and Killua had gained some confidence. He didn't stutter as much as he was speaking, Gon was easy to talk too. "soo, what's your favorite color?" Gon asked cheerily. Favorite... color? He didn't really have one. But then he looked at Gon. I like green. Green reminds me of Gon, and I like Gon. "green" Gon blinked in surprise. "really?" he nodded. "well, mine's actually blue. I know I don't wear the color but I love this jacket! Also the shorts too" usually his fashion sense would be saying a big ass NO, but for some reason it didn't. "hold on, are you wearing eyeliner?" Killua blinked. "yeah?" Gon giggled, "you know how to do makeup?" he nodded, "mhm" his eyes brightened. "that's so cool!" what do you think would look nice on me? Nothing. You look just fine- he blinked. Where'd that come from? He thought for a moment, then used a hand to tilt Gon's face up so he could see it better. His eyes are pretty- not now! Focus on the question.

Definitely natural colors, maybe a bit of orange though. Killua wasn't sure that eyeliner would suit him, or mascara. Seems more like a blush and eyeshadow type situation, maybe a little bit of- suddenly a hand came down hard on his head. "who the hell are you?" Killua's eyes went wide and his body immediately started trembling as the grip on his hair tightened slightly. "Killua!" Gon took a step forward. "let him go!" tears were streaming down his face as the hand loosened, he bolted for Gon as soon as he was able. Killua crashed into his arms, shoving his face into his shoulder. w-what did I do? "what th-" that was the voice. That was the voice that went with the hand. He wrenched himself out of Gon's arms and ducked behind him, one hand on each shoulder. He slowly peeked out to see the person who was standing there and his hands started shaking. Are his eyes red? The person standing there had an odd looking outfit, it kind of looked like a dress. He also had blonde hair that cut off a little lower than the ear. His expression was confused and not exactly intimidating, but that was when he realized that his eyes weren't red. But... I saw it. I saw that his eyes were red, didn't I?

He let his arm fall to his side, "am I that terrifying?" Gon reached a hand behind him and he grabbed it, squeezing tightly. "no. well, I mean maybe. But that's not what happened there" he blinked. "mind elaborating?" he heard a sigh. "this is Killua, Killua this is Kurapika. He didn't mean it I promise" he knows this guy? Does he pull Gon's hair too? But then he looked at his face, Gon looked no different than usual. He's not scared one bit. Maybe... maybe he's right. Gon tended to be right in most situations he had come across so far, but it wasn't that easy just to shrug it off. He wiped his eyes and looked nervously over at Kurapika. "well... it's complicated. I think what set it off this time was when you touched his hair" he shook his head and Gon glanced at him curiously. "h-he pulled m-my hair..." it wasn't very hard, but it scared me. "oh. Sorry..." Kurapika said. Gon chuckled, "he's a little bit overprotective of me, you didn't do anything wrong"

Killua blinked. I didn't? then why... "what were you guys even doing? He was like, touching your face" Kurapika said. Gon sighed, "oh. That's what it was." I don't understand again... "Killua knows how to do makeup so I asked him what would look nice me on me, I think that's why he did that" Kurapika glanced at him for confirmation and he nodded a little. Kurapika frowned slightly, "that was not what that looked like. It looked like you guys were about to kiss-" Gon yelped and covered his face with his hands, but Killua was confused. "what's that?" Kurapika's eyebrows furrowed a little. "Is... is he serious?" am I supposed to know what that is? Gon took a few moments before answering. "yeah" Kurapika blinked. "how old is he?" Gon sighed. "15" why does that matter? He put a hand on his hip. "are you sure he isn't just a tall 10 year old?" suddenly he flinched slightly, remembering his mother and father arguing when he was around that age. Yelling erupted from somewhere close behind him, he felt tears sting his eyes and he started breathing hard. I-

Love Is Pain (HxH Au) (Killugon)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat