Y/n held out a pinky, "Shall we promise to stay this way then?"

Minju furrowed her eyebrows, "What are you, five?"


Minju smiled once more, "Okay."

Minju wrapped her pinky around Y/n's sealing the pact.

"So, what about this do you not understand?"

"I understood everything when you first explained it. I just picked completing the square because it was so simple, so I wanted to see how you'd react."

"I can't believe you."

"I'm just clean with it."

"You're annoying."

"Just what I want to be~"

"That's okay, I'm hoping to be a major thorn in your side as well."

Y/n picked up his pencil, "We'll see about that."

Half an hour later, Y/n put his homework away and looked over at Minju who stared at him.

"What now?"

Minju took her phone out of her pocket, "What time is it?"

"Around five."

"I should probably head home before my parents get worried."

"You're right."

Minju picked up her backpack, "I'll see you tomorrow then."


"Don't forget, you can ring the buzzer at the front of my gate, and I'll let you in."

"I'll use it as a way to let you know I'm there."

"If you want."

Y/n walked with Minju to the door, leaning on its frame as Minju stepped through.

"I can walk with you back to your house."

"The sun is still up, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"If you say so."

Y/n waved Minju goodbye as he closed the door.

That was nice. Maybe I should invite her to my house more. I'd probably have to anyway since she said I'd be able to sleep the entirety of this semester off without having to worry.

Y/n walked back up the stairs and laid back down on his bed.

Thank god she's there. I don't know what I'd do if I fell asleep in class and subsequently fell behind in school...

Y/n pulled out his phone, scrolling through it until his mother knocked on his door not long after.

"Dinner's ready."


"I'm a bit bummed Minju left already."

"She had to get back home before her parents got worried."

"That makes sense. Maybe next time we can have dinner together."


Y/n walked down the stairs with his mom and sat at the dinner table.

Y/n's mother eyed him, "Oh my, Y/n. You look tired."

"You could say that. I've been tired all day."

"You have been? How much sleep did you get last night?"

"Not too much. I don't know why I couldn't sleep last night, but hopefully I'll be able to rest well tonight. I even napped today, so I think I will feel better tomorrow."

"I know, your father and I were curious since it was so quiet, so I knocked on the door and saw you two cuddling. It was so cute I had to take a picture."

Y/n's eyes darted between his mother gushing with her eyes closed and his father eyeing him with a smirk and a thumbs up.


Y/n's face morphed into a tint of pink.

"It's okay Y/n," His mother reassured, "You can take your time with her. Nothing good will come from rushing things."

"She doesn't like me."

"If she didn't I don't think she'd sleep next to you like that."

"I'm sure she had her reasons."


Y/n shook his head as he started eating his dinner. After he finished, he walked back to his room and brushed his teeth.

I should take a shower. Meh, I'll do that after I come back. Should I even head out tonight? I'm pretty tired...

Y/n scrolled through his phone, waiting for the sun to set completely, and most importantly, his parents to fall asleep.

Yeah, I'll head out.

Y/n threw on a mask, followed by another black brandless hoodie and sweatpants.

I'll be back.

Silently, Y/n snuck away into the night, making his way to the center of the city.

I don't even know what the most effective way to patrol would be. Should I stick to my general area? Or should I keep going to the main city... The main city is where everything gets interesting cause that's where all the bigger and more dangerous criminals are. My area allows me to return home whenever I want though. Maybe I should stick to my area tonight since going hunting while tired is pretty dangerous if they're going to be armed in the center of the city.

Y/n shook his thoughts away when he heard the ruffling of bushes.

Odd. We don't have wildlife here.

Y/n landed on top of a wall and turned his head towards the direction of the bushes ruffling to see a very suspicious man sneaking up behind a girl.

What's she doing alone at night? No time to think, I need to go save her.

Y/n sprinted on top of the wall, jumping, and making contact with the suspect as the man reached forward and wrapped his hand around the unsuspecting girl.

The girl tensed up as she felt a hand around her mouth, but more importantly, at the deafening sound of a bone shattering crack, followed by a blood curdling scream. The girl turned around to see a figure in all black standing over another man in all black laying on the ground while holding his ribs.

Oh my god... What just happened?

The girl stood still, frozen in place. Fear and anxiety coursed through her as she didn't know who these two men were. All she knew was that she was about to get kidnapped.

"E-Excuse me?"

Y/n looked towards the source of the voice, only to widen his eyes when he saw who it was.


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