The ocean of people was suddenly on us, and we were fighting our way through hustling students. I laughed a little as I saw Rocky getting squished between two seniors.

   Five minutes later, the bell rang again and before we knew it all the people were gone. I swiped my long hair out of my face and turned to look at how Rocky ended up. He was patting his hair with his hands as well, and I laughed a little at his expression. We continued down the empty hallway again, as if nothing had happened.

   Kanga High was nothing like I had imagined, and the school seemed to be just getting bigger and more luxurious as we went along into the office. Sure, Kanga High was a... really strange name for a high school, but it was slightly different, and I liked it. The office was large and carpeted, which completely blew me away, as I was used to the regular floors everywhere in the school. Rocky didn't seem fazed by the office at all, and so he went up first to the secretary.

   "Rocky Dibrino, 15, grade 10" he told the secretary as she checked for him in the giant book she had. She traced a thin finger over all the names in the book and stopped at his, nodding. She twirled around on her fancy chair and filed through her cabinet, pulling out a couple of papers. She handed them to Rocky.

   "This is your schedule, and a map of the school," she said, her voice a little nasally. "If you ever get lost just look at your map or ask one of the students." She finished, her voice monotone.

   "Thanks..." Rocky said absentmindedly as he studied the papers.

   Rocky stepped away from the counter and motioned for me to go. I hesitated for a second as the secretary glared at me through her tiny glasses. I stepped towards the counter and announced myself.

   "Zelda Falis, 15, grade 10" I repeated what Rocky said, replacing his name with mine. The secretary gave me a strange look and flipped her book. She traced her finger along the page again, exactly how she did with Rocky. Her finger stopped as I looked down at my name written in her book. She twirled around again and sorted through the files, pulling out my papers. I looked down at them as she told me the exact same thing in the exact same tone as she told Rocky.

   I looked over my schedule. English, math, spare, art and... gym. I sighed. Why did I ever pick gym? I wasn't the sporty type of person, but I guess it was okay that it was at the end of the day. And because it was the first semester, I hoped that there would be no running outside, unless my coach was sadistic.

   Rocky and I walked out of the office, folding our papers. On the back of our schedule was also our locker numbers, which I was surprised that the school'd actually assign lockers for so many students. Well, I guess that's what you get when you go to a high class school. We wandered the hallways once more, looking for our lockers. Mine was 364 and Rocky's was 210, which means ours wouldn't be close together at all. As we approached Rocky's locker, it was already the fourth period of the day, which meant I had art. Rocky put his bag down and I hugged him bye as I went to search for my locker.

   I found mine, and I was surprised that it was just around the corner from Rocky's. I don't know how that worked, but it did. I stuffed all my things in and took what I thought I needed to art and read the combination to my locker off the back of my sheet. I really hoped I wouldn't forget it, or else I was pretty much screwed. I slammed my door shut and ran over to Rocky, who had math now. We took the same subjects in hope of getting in each others classes, as he was the only one I would know here for now. He had English, gym, spare, math and science. I smiled a little as I saw that we had English and a spare at the same time. The only class that Rocky took that I didn't was science, which he liked more than art.

   We picked our things up and figured out our way to our classes.

   As I stood in front of the art room door, I thought about how miraculous it was that I'd actually figured my way around the place. The bell rang and the ocean of students melted away again, all crowding around the door now. My teacher opened the door and let us all in and I watched as all the students took their places. I glanced around the room and saw one empty seat, square in the center of the room. I hesitated before I started walking towards it, and I planted myself in the chair and placed my books on the small desk.

   The art room was huge, and when I say huge I mean HUGE. the small area with the desks and the blackboard looked nothing at all like an art room, but as I looked around I saw a doorway with no door leading to a gigantic room, filled with paints, aprons, easels and more. My jaw actually slightly dropped at the sight, and I slowly turned my attention towards the front.

   Our female teacher, Ms. Cambronne, wrote her name on the board.

   "Now, class, the reason that I'm writing my name is not to refresh your memory, it's because we have a new student!" she happily stated, with a giant, fake looking grin on her face.

   The class started murmuring as Ms. Cambronne continued.

   "Now, now, class, settle down," she said. "Why don't you get up and introduce yourself?" She motioned over to me as the class suddenly became deathly quiet. I slowly stood up, and I swear that it was so quiet that you could literally hear a pin drop. My sneakers squeaked on the floor a little as I walked up to the front, shaking a little. Sure, I was smart, but I couldn't speak in front of people for beans.

   "M-My name is Zelda Falis," I began, stuttering a little. I heard a few giggles rise up at my name, and clenching my fists I continued. "My name is Z-Zelda because my parents are hardcore gamers," I continued, which seemed to make the class giggle more. Sighing, I continued. "I'm 15 and I'm a girl."

   I'm a girl. Wow.

   The class seemed to find this hysterical that I felt the need to state that. I brought my palm up to my face, smacking my forehead. Wow. I apparently suck at public speaking.

   "I-I mean it's obvious that I'm a girl, but.." I honestly didn't know where I was going with this.

   "CLASS! How disrespectful!" Ms. Cambronne smacked her hand on the table and everybody went silent. "You can continue, Zelda, and I'm sorry about that." She shot a look at her class that said 'next time you do that, everyone's getting detention.'

   I'm sure that Ms. Cambronne was nice, but she was strict with manners it seemed. I tried to continue my little speech.

   "Umm... " I was at a loss for words.

   "HEY ZELDA, WHERE'S YOUR LINK?" a boy at the front of the class shouted. I glared at him as the class exploded into laughter again.

   "Well." I calmly started. "You are."

   "...WAIT WHAT?" He said, obnoxiously loud.

   "Yeah. And now, prepare to meet.. YOUR GANONDORF!" I shouted as I lunged at him with my fist. I swung at his face but was abruptly stopped by Ms. Cambronne.

   "ZELDA! That's extremely rude!" She said, her strictness for manners getting quite annoying now. I sighed and let my arm drop down to my side. I walked back to the front of the class and continued.

   "Well, I can't stand obnoxious people and I like to fight cause I'm hardcore." I stated, not caring anymore. The class started roaring with laughter again. Man, these people were supposed to be smart?

   "Oh great pickle lord...." I huffed, going back into my seat. The class started laughing hysterically at this; apparently I said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

   This was going to be one interesting experience.


   WOW that was a lot more fun to write :D I hope you like it, and sorry if the first chapter was a bit boring because, well, it's the first chapter. I have an actual storyline, believe it or not.

   ANYWAYS, hope you liked it! :D I might change the title later, as I have honestly no clue about it right now. AND IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHY IT'S CALLED SHOE LACES, my best friend suggested it :D and I like it.

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