Chapter One

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HEEY awesome people who decide to read this story. I actually have another one on wattpad as well, but I'm writing it more or less formally-ish, with no space for much humor. I want to start a story where I can just go ape sometimes and have it fit in, so here it is :D hope you guys like my first chapter, and I hope it goes well too :D


   I looked around the new school I was in, baffled by the size. My old school had been such a tiny little place that I didn't even know schools this big even existed. Classes were already going on, as I arrived late because of the crappy winter weather.

   "HEEELLLOOOOOO!" I shouted, and smiled as my echo came back.

   My best friend looked at me from beside me. We were supposedly the smartest ones in my old school, so we both got sent to this one. Strange that the two smartest students were best friends, but I was cool with the idea.

   "...what the heck was that, Zel?" he questioned with a laugh.

   "Heh... I wanted to see if there was an echo." I told him with a chuckle.

   Zel was the nickname that my best friend, Rock, made up. And I called him Rock sometimes because his name was Rocky.. I guess his parents were fans. Just as well, my full name was Zelda, and I didn't really enjoy it. I mean, it was cool and all that my parents named me after their favorite video game, but I didn't want to be a "princess". I guess it was okay though, because Zelda's one badass princess.

   "So, fishy, how do you like the school?" I questioned Rocky. Yeah, I called him fishy at times too, it was an inside joke... that I couldn't really ever explain to anyone.

   "Zel, don't call me that here!" Rocky said, blushing a little. "it's bad enough that I used to be called that in our old school, don't start it here!" he smiled as he argued. "Anyways, I guess this school's kinda nice, I like it so far. What about you?" he grinned.

   "Well, it's a bit big, but it gives me more opportunities to set up my pranks," I grinned at Rock as he looked at me with a horrified expression. "What's the matter, Rock? Scared of getting a bad reputation?" I joked as I punched him playfully in the shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything dangerous this time," I laughed a bit at this as Rocky's face softened.

   Although his name was Rocky, he wasn't anything like Rocky the fighter. He had a nicer face, and nicer as in sweeter. His smile was probably the best in the world, and his black hair was always swept to the side. He wasn't the body builder type, and I was glad about that, because those guys really piss me off.

   As for me, well, I wasn't the regular girly girl. My hair was a dirty blonde, and I hate it whenever someone says my hair colour because it makes my hair seem, well, dirty. I wanted my hair to be blonder, but I guess my almost brown hair saved me from the dumb blonde jokes. I had tints of light blonde hair; natural highlights. I wasn't skinny but I wasn't morbidly obese as well, I was just... well, average.

   As me and Rocky wandered the seemingly endless halls, the bell rang.  It echoed a bit through the vacant school and at the sound of it I jumped a little.

   "Aww, did the bell scare poor Zel?" he laughed as he mocked me. I laughed along as we tried to make our way to the office.

   All the doors suddenly swung open and a mob of students came pouring out. I looked with wide eyes at the number of them coming out of each room; there must have been at least 35 in each classroom. I looked beside me at Rocky and he was doing the same; I guess we just weren't used to so many people.

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