Snapping out of my stupid thoughts I started studying the walkers faces a little trying to find anything. I don't know what I'm looking for but right now, anything would be good.

It was only when I zoned out staring at a walker that I noticed something. Small almost minuscule bones stuck in between a dead ones teeth. Fresh, sticky, crimson blood was painted around another walkers mouth. Turning my head downward, blood was sprinkled all over the ripe grass. The dots were beginning to connect in my head but I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Was someone fucking feeding these thing's?

I don't know who it would be if it was true, but the fact that they live under the same roof as my family made my blood turn cold.

Sudden gunshots.

My head snapped up from the grass and surveyed the surroundings of the prison. There was no one here.

It's from inside our walls?

Panicked screams of children reached my ears soon after the gunshots. Rick was already sprinting towards the gates and I was close on his heels.

So many possibilities are dancing around my head but before I can entertain any of them, I'd quickly reached the courtyard. Without knowing what we're all dealing with, it's hard to want to sprint in there alone.

"Cellblocks?" Maggie called down from the watch tower.

Shrugging my shoulders I shouted back up. "I don't know!"

Glenn was right by my side and before we could take a step into the prison two distraught girls came screaming towards us, terrified. They stopped at our feet, stumbling and jumbling over any words they said.

"You've gotta calm down." I tried to appear calm talking to who I thought was the oldest of the two, but my voice was raised slightly.

Anyone I know and care for could be in danger. I'd be able to help a lot sooner if the kid just spat it out.

"There in. There-." She tried again.

Turning towards the younger sibling I asked. "What's going on?" One hand on either shoulder trying to soothe her nerves.

"Walkers." She spat out. "D. Cellblock D."

Glancing at Glenn I saw his face pale for a second as he shouted out to Rick. "Walkers in D!"

That's were we keep everyone we bring back from outside we promised them safety.

For a moment I thought Philip had come back to finish what he started.

Glenn and I reached the cellblock first the screams reached my ears before I was even standing in the doorway.

When my eye fixated on the scene the first word that came to mind was chaos, walkers were everywhere and among that were the people we saved.

"Start taking out the walkers, save as many as you can!" Glenn shouted over all the noise then darted into all the chaos.

One kid at the other end of the room was cowered away in a corner as a dead one started army crawling towards her it's arms reaching out desperate. Without thinking I took out my throwing knife tried my best to aim in the short time I had then let it sail through the air. The blade sunk into the walkers head, quickly killing it.

One way or another [Daryl Dixon]Where stories live. Discover now