~Chapter Two~

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*Emma's POV*

*One week later*

So far all we did this week, which is March break, is practice our powers at the beach. Brooklyn likes to make us do things like getting her a drink or carrying her around the beach like she's our Queen, it's pretty annoying. Janelle usually traps us in a circle surrounded by fire and we have to escape, Lily usually turning into a bird, then Brooklyn lets us all out with her water power. Claire finds it hilarious when she shocks us, also pretty annoying... Lily tends to turn into bears, dragons a tiny bit bigger then us and is always turning into her signature wolf to scare us, also really annoying, and I am always turning invisible and scaring them, we should learn to get over each other.

What's really weird is that when we're walking home or to school we all see people watching us.

They're all wearing dark clothes, at first we thought they were goths but after a while they became much more.

Every time we see them they only appear for a few seconds before running away, every time they each have wolves, at least one for each of them.

Lily's never seen a wolf like it. We even tried looking up wolves and never found it.

The wolves are always white with blood red eyes, and since they don't have purple eyes, they're not shifters, neither are the people.

Now that Lily's seen the wolves she can turn into them, she actually looks pretty creepy, even with the purple eyes.

Today I'm meeting up with them at the beach. The beach we go to is abandoned, no ones ever there.

*One hour later*

"Hey Emma! What took you so long?" Lily asks worriedly.

"Are you okay? You look pale." Claire says.

My eyes start to go dark and all I hear is my friends shouting my name as I fall down on the beach.

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