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Laxar's POV

When Adam was transported to the year 3000, I was overjoyed because it meant I could finally exact my revenge on him. He broke the law, he will be punished, and I want to be the one to do so. That's why I did everything I could to apprehend him. I went to great lengths to travel to the year 2018 in order to capture him, and I doubted that I would be successful. I was able to transport Adam, Jia, and Visdan to the year 3018, but I was unable to transport Akiah because that damn dude kidnapped her and they fled, but that's okay. In any case, Akiah is unimportant.

We were taken aback when we arrived in the year 3018 because we were detained by Emperor X's guards. I was perplexed as to why my guards and I were also included. He claimed he was going to take away our memories since we shouldn't have recollections from the past, but I didn't think he meant all of our memories, not just our memories from the year 2018. He didn't say anything, but he knew what he was doing.

Our memories will be stored in a huge container. My guards were in the back, while Jia, Adam, Visdan, Demi, and I were in the front. We're shackled to a glowing holographic rope in a metal chair. When you're shackled in that holographic rope, there's no way to get out. I was furious with Emperor X and all he did was smile at me, so I became even more enraged with him and wanted to murder him. I turned my gaze to Demi, who was crying and looking at me, and she told me she was scared. All I did was smile at her and assure her that everything would be fine. I looked at Adam, Visdan, and Jia, who all had their heads lowered, and I could sense Adam and Visdan's sadness.

If I were in Adam's shoes, I would find it difficult to leave my love because I need to return to the future. It's forbidden love, but that doesn't matter if you're in love with each other.

There, I felt bad about what I'd done.

Nothing would have occurred if I hadn't unleashed my rage on Adam and just let him travel through time. But we don't have a choice, we're sitting in a metal chair, waiting for that damned monarch to order the removal of our memories. He made us all wear helmets that were wired to the enormous container and connected to it. I had previously recognized that something was amiss with my helmet at the time.

I had a gut feeling about it.

He ordered the scientists to start the machine that would erase our memories, and when it did, we screamed in anguish. I don't know how to describe the agony I felt at the time, like if the pain was killing me. Because of the excruciating pain, I clenched my hand and screamed. If this is going to be the cause of my death, I'd rather be shot with a laser beam gun than suffer like this.
Suddenly, I noticed that the scientists, including Emperor X, were taken aback, and they were led to the enormous container where our memories would be stored. It electrifies for a moment before suddenly collapsing. When the machine fell, the enormous impact caused my metal chair to collide with a wall, blurring my eyesight and turning it black.

I cautiously opened my eyes and gently touched my head, which was still in pain. I was imprisoned in the dungeon's lowest depths. I threatened the emperor, who was only looking at me, that I would murder him for what he had done. He said that he was only using me to carry out his intentions. He claimed he is envious of me because he has heard from metropolitan residents that I will be a greater emperor than him. He claimed that he allows me to build up my rage toward Adam in the hopes that it will prompt me to go to the past and that's what happened. That is why, while I am from the past, he arranged everything for us in the castle, including ambushing us and taking our memories when we returned because he claimed we, particularly me, were a threat to him.

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