The town to the east of our location, nestled in the mountains, is our first visit. It's a flower farm, and one of the things I like about it is how lovely it is. It's chilly from above, and you can see the city from below. That's where we'll start. When we arrived, Adam parked the car in the farm's parking lot.

As we stepped out of the car, Visdan exclaimed, "Wow! It's very chilly and cloudy out here!"

"You're going to enjoy it here," I told him, pausing to gaze at Adam and Jia. "You're all going to love being here," I murmured, then I returned my gaze to Visdan, who smirked.

"Let's go," Jia remarked, as we went towards the farm's entrance.

This is what I intended because there aren't many tourists here. I planned for us to come here on weekdays because I knew there will only be a few people here. On weekends, a large number of people go to this location. The site is lovely, and their stunning flowers, particularly their gigantic sunflowers, rose farm, little windmills, and the view from above, as if you were at the top of the globe, will undoubtedly capture your attention. The four of us were astounded to see the blooms when we arrived at the property. In huge, open fields, fascinating rows of brilliant flowers line up. It is well-known in our area, and, as I previously stated, it is situated on a mountain.

"It's so cold," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's so cold here."

When Adam and Visdan abruptly handed me their jackets, I was taken aback. I was taken aback when I saw the two of them, and I couldn't decide right away since I hadn't expected them to hand me their jackets at the same time.

"You are right, Yhena, it is quite cold here," Jia remarked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Thank you, Adam. You are truly a gentleman," Jia exclaimed as she accepted Adam's jacket. Adam only smiled at Jia when he looked at her, but I knew it wasn't his regular smile. I just sighed as I looked at Visdan and took the jacket that he also handed to me.

"Thanks, Visdan," I said as I smiled at him, and he smiled back. As I lowered my gaze, I noticed that Adam was also looking at me, and he just smiled. 

But why does his grin appear to be tinged with sadness when he looks at me?

"Can you assist me in putting this one on, Adam?" Jia inquired as she handed Adam the jacket.

"Sure," Adam answered as he assisted her and showed her how to put on the jacket while I was already wearing the one Visdan had given me.

We went for a walk within the farm and were so taken aback by the beauty of the location that we felt as if we were in Paradise. I've been here with my mother and father, and the property has changed dramatically. It's fantastic, although the weather is a little bleak. The sky is gray, and I'm hoping it doesn't rain. To be honest, I like the gray sky since it is cooler. The sun, after all, is obscured by clouds. When my family and I first came here, there were a lot of people, and we had to wear umbrellas and hats because it was so hot, but that isn't the case anymore.

Jia asked Adam, "Wow! Adam, is that a real pink rose?" as she looked and pointed to a sea of roses.

"Yes," Adam confirmed.

"Can you get me one?" Jia asked as she rested her hand on Adam's biceps.

"Sure," Adam answered, picking a rose from the side where picking is permitted. We must adhere to the rules.

"Thank you, Adam, amazing! Only now can I hold a real rose," Jia remarked as she gazed at him, her face lit up with a smile.

When I watched Adam pick up another rose, I turned to face Visdan, who said, "For you," as he handed me a crimson rose. I was taken aback, and our gazes locked when he looked me in the eyes. I lowered my glance to Adam, who returned my gaze, and I diverted my gaze to the red rose he was holding. Our gazes locked as he looks at me and to the crimson rose that Visdan gave me. He turned away from me and handed it to Jia.

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