Chapter 11

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Hey guys, I'm really losing motivation for this book, so I think this will be the last chapter❤️

Addi POV:
We got in the car and went home. Archie immediately went straight to his office and said not to bother him. That's was weird. Something is up. Idk what, but I'll find out.

Archie POV:
I sat in my office trying to figure out why my father was there. Obviously besides to cover his tail, and to gain peoples empathy. I can't figure out how he had the audacity to come, knowing I'm bigger and stronger. I'm a 6'5, buff, broad-shouldered man and he is only 5'11, and very slim. He also showed up when my girl was present. If he would have tried to hurt her I would have beat his a- . My thoughts were broken by a slight knock on my door. It was Addi's specials knock and I know it. "Come in babe" I said to her in a slightly harsh tone. "Sorry, I was just coming to check on you love." "Thank you, I'm okay I promise." "I don't believe that" she said softly. She came and sat on my lap. "My father was there." "At the funeral?!" Addilyn said starting to get angry. "Yes but it's okay, I won't get hurt or let you get hurt mi amor." He said softly back. "Okay, just promise you'll be safe and carful." "Yes dear, and to prove I will be careful (and my love) this is my promise."

3rd POV:
He stood up and she got out of his lap. He pulled something out of his pocket but she couldn't tell what it was. Next thing she knew he was down on one knee.

Addi POV:
He was on one knee. He was finally proposing. "Will you marry me, Addilyn Grace Fredricks?" I stood there for a moment. I knew my answer but I wanted to keep him in suspense. "Yes of course baby!" I said Happily.

Archie POV:
She said yes. I'm so happy. I put the ring on her finger and picked her up and kissed her. More passionately then ever before. She sat in my arms for a while as I held her up and she had her hands cupping my cheeks as we kissed. We pulled away for air, and I looked up at her. "I also have a date planned for us, so go out on the most sexy dress you have." I looked at her and winked. I put her down and immediately she ran to her room.

A few hours later...

We went to the restaurant I had picked out and ate, now as we headed home, I put my hand on her thigh as we sat there just embracing each other's presence. "I love you so much mi amor." I said to her. "I love you too my love." She said back. My life was complete.

A few months later.... 

Addi POV:
Wedding day. The most important day of my life. I am so nervous. I heard the church bells ring as the bridesmaids started to walk out. It was my mother, grandmother, and my niece. As they got to the end I walked out. I had on a long white dress with no veil, even though Archie wanted to keep it traditional. I looked up and I saw Archie tearing up. I didn't know if it was the smell of food, or me. I got to the end of the aisle and he kissed my cheek as I took his hand. Then the preacher started. "As we gather here today to celebrate the bonding of these two souls. If there is anyone here that objects, please speak now, or forever hold your peace." I looked around and saw everyone smiling at me. "Well then, let us get to the vows shall we? Addilyn you may start.
"Archie, you have been there for me like no one else could. You have been my rock and soul. My heart and mind. My world. I love you so much and I am so ready to spend the rest of our lives together." He rubbed my hand softly and smiled that cute little smile that shows his teeth. "Archibald, you may go now."

"Addilyn Grace. My Addi. I can't believe how far we've come. From hating each other, to becoming soulmates. From wanting each other's head, to becoming the head that reads the others' thoughts. I can't wait to spend our lives together, my Addilyn Grace."

Addi POV:
I started to tear up from how touching his words were. The preacher continued. "By the power vested in me, Archibald, kiss your bride." He said with a smile. Archie looked at me and grabbed my waist with one and my hand with the other. We kissed. The best kiss. The one kiss. That I'll never forget. The butterflies started swarming in my stomach like bees to a hive. We pulled away and looked into each others eyes. Everyone was cheering and smiling. I looked up at everyone and saw my grandmother in the crowd. She was smiling so bright. We walked down the isle as everyone continued cheering.

I know this was cheesy, but it's just another love story....

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