Chapter 7

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He kissed me. Something that, tbh, I wish would've happened a while ago. His kiss felt gentle, and loving. Not full of lust like my past relationships. We pulled away for a second and I looked at him and he had stupidly-cute grin on his face. He looked as if I was his whole world. As if I meant everything to him. I gave him a hugged him for what felt like hours but was barley 10 seconds. I could stay in his embrace forever. I laid in bed with him as we just cuddled and talked. "So what does this make us?" I asked. "Well what do you want us to be?" He responded. "Well I think we're boyfriend and girlfriend now. But that's your choice too." "Boyfriend and girlfriend. I like that. Has a nice ring to it." He said ever so politely smiling back at me.  He's so cute when he does that. We waited for the doctor to come back in and they came and drew his blood, and I had to hold his hand because he's terrified of needles. They eventually left and we got dinner, and now we're just sitting in his room watching Netflix. I cuddled up to his side since it was a scary movie, and it was an excuse to be next to me.

Archie POV:
I sat on my hospital bed with the love of my life beside me. Just thinking about the day. I got shot, confessed my love, and kissed her. All in one day. Seems a bit extreme for one day. I need to call my friend Raven to pick us up some clothes and other things. "Hang on baby I need to call someone" I said taking my hand from under her. She handed me my phone and I called him and he said he'd be here in like 30 minutes to an hour. I laid back down snuggling close to my girl. We were watching a horror movie. "Babe." She said in a stern voice. "Yes my love?" I said, confused. "We need to have your mothers funeral. You can't keep paying the morgue to keep her body. She needs to be put to rest." "I know, it's just so hard. I don't want to loose her" I admitted. "You won't loose her. She will always live in your heart." Addi said softly. I turned around and buried my head in her neck. I was so ashamed. I can't even put my own mother to rest. I laid there in her embrace, it was like a drug, you just can't get enough of it. She pulled back and so did i. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and said, " I understand it's hard. But I am here with you every step of the way. I promise my love" she pulled me in for a sweet, gentle kiss. We stayed there for a while just in each other's arms.

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