Chapter 50: This is it

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Maira's POV:

It's almost ten months to our marriage now. Life and work has both been going great for both Jai and I. The Royal Regal is starting to expand and is planning on taking projects in two other places in the country and it is going well. The Jaipur branch of my law firm is now much more established and smooth functioning as compared to before and we have been able to bring in more clients and are keeping busy.

What do you think happens post few months of marriage in India?

Well, the questions about kids.

Jai and I also faced those questions but we were clever enough to dodge them and sometimes explaining that we haven't yet decided which would then lead to an hour long lecture. Jai and I haven't really talked about kids and to tell you, I am scared to have kids. It's so painful and not to mention the responsibility that comes with it and the morning sickness..... Ewwwwww.

I am right now packing my bags for my trip to Delhi. I have a very pouty husband sitting on bed next to my bag who is doing nothing but irritating me.

"Jai!" I say sternly. He doesn't reply and keeps doing what he is.

"Jai, I will throw you out of our room if you don't stop this."

"Maira, don't go. Please!" He says cutely making me smile slightly even through my irritation.

"You know I need to go. I have a hearing to attend tomorrow. Don't be a kid now."


"Jai, stop removing the things from my bag. I will forget something important if you keep doing this." I say before making my way towards the closet to get a pair of slippers.

"But you are already forgetting the most important thing that you will need there." He mumbles from behind me.

"What's that?" I ask confused before continuing. "I have packed two pair-"

"Me." He says making me sigh and look at him tenderly. I go and stand before him, in between his knees. He surrounds his arms around my waist and puts his head over my stomach. I run my hand through his hair.

"Jai, you know it's important for me to go. It's only three days."

"But I am gonna miss you if you do that."

"Jai, don't be such a kid now. You can always come with me." I say suggesting a way out.

"You know I can't. I have a meeting in Mumbai."

"Perfect! You are going to Mumbai and I am going to Delhi. We both have work that needs to be done and it's not like we won't meet then. Come on, don't make such a face. I won't be able to leave happily." I say feeling upset. Jai and I haven't been separate apart from our fight since our marriage and so, this restlessness of being apart for next few days is normal. That being said, it does not mean that we don't leave each other for our work commitments.

"Come, I will drop you to the airport."

"No, no. Don't worry about it. I need to go to my parents' before going to airport. You better go to work."

"Absolutely not. I am dropping you off and that's it."

"Your choice." I say shrugging. I keep my final things inside the bag before closing it. I check my handbag and laptop bag before we make our way downstairs. I quickly say goodbye to everyone while Jai carries my bag and drops it in the tunk of the car. He opens the door for me and once I settle in, makes his way on the driver's seat.

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