Chapter 42: Marital Bliss

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Jai's POV:

How I have spent this one entire day without Maira, only I know. I mean it has only been two days she has been my wife but I didn't like the idea of her going away from me even a bit. I reach Maira's place and see her disheveled state, making her look cuter. I like how even on such casual clothes, her nuptial chain, vermillion, rings and my charm bracelet looks and I couldn't help but admire her. After many days I see her wearing her glasses and damn, she looks hot. Not the first word anyone would think when they see their wives in such hobo state but in this roughness, is her reality which I want to embrace.

I see her mother glaring her when she doesn't get up to greet me, or to give me her place, or being in her messy attire. Her grumbles and glares are hailed at me before she leaves and comes back in a peach kurti, her glasses long forgotten.

Before she came down I heard her mother talking about how she hasn't eaten properly. From the rest of the conversation I picked up that her hunger results in unintentional anger rolling off of her and to save oneself, it's better to stay out of her way. I thought she'll be delighted at the sight of food if she is hungry, but she settled for coffee but not wanting to create a scene, I kept silent.

"Maira, eat something. That's your thrid coffee of the day and you haven't even eaten anything." He mother whisper yells in her ears.

"Mom, I had my breakfast and I am so full, I don't want to eat anything." From the time I have come, I can see how Maira doesn't do any chores around the house and I don't like how she thinks she needs to do them at our home. I know it will take Maira some time to settle in the new place and realise that she need not do any work she doesn't want to.

We make our way back home and I think we just had our first argument. I was amazed to see Maira with her knees over the dashboard and her legs dangling while she sat comfortably and I can see her opening up and getting comfortable around me which makes me immensely happy. Her singing skills though, aren't that great. I mean if she knows a particular song word by word she sings well, otherwise she goes a little off-tune  but I enjoyed seeing her enjoy singing and I even belted out few songs with her. The bollywood notion of girls getting flustered when embarrassing or sensual songs come up is totally wrong because I legit saw Maira bobbing her head and belting out those lyrics rather than sitting quietly or trying to change the song, but again, Maira isn't your typical girl.

The thing that irritated me was that I literally have to fight her to get food into her system and when I asked her to take medicine she snapped at me. Seriously! I was just trying to help ease her headache. I sleep with my back towards her and I think she realised her mistake since I can hear her bangles clicking against one another meaning they are moving, probably an attempt to ease her mind by fumbling with her hands and thinking what to do.

I turn around slightly to see her massaging her forehead with her head leaning back against the headrest while mumbling something under her breath. Without saying anything, I scoot closer to her and remove her hand from her forehead. She looks at me and her eyes seem to almost be glistening with tears. I place my back against the headrest and pull her head down to my lap which she does silently, seeing I am in no mood to protest. I massage her forehead lightly and I can feel relieved sighs leaving her lips. I am still angry at her but that doesn't mean I will allow her to be in pain. She turns her head to my stomach before waiting for a minute and removing her head from my lap. I see that as my cue and start to move to go back to my place when she sits in front of me with folded legs.

"Jai, I am sorry, I didn't mean to be that harsh."



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