Chapter 43: First move

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Maira's POV:

It's been a few weeks to my marriage now and I have started settling in the new setting of my new home. Jai has been his sweet self and despite my every sarcastic and sassy nature adorned with mood swings, he has been nothing but patient with me. He has made it a point to not have anyone give me any household chores which I don't want to. He made me feel comfortable within the new dynamic shift in my life and eventhough, I don't tell him, I really appreciate him for that. I am much more comfortable around him now than I was initially. Staying with Jai under one roof and in one room, not gonna admit openly but has made me notice his small gestures, like how he would not keep his wet towel on bed anymore, how he would serve me before serving food to himself and even making sure I eat everything, him always trying to initiate conversations about our day, likes and dislikes, his tries to make me happy on the days I am feeling low or stressed, and so on. The maximum physical touch between us still is him holding my hands whenever we are alone or under the table while we are eating with everyone. Now he doesn't tighten his grip, scared I might put our hands on displayed if I am asked to pass any dish to anyone. Though there have been no other physical contact, there have been instances when Jai and I stood too close, and now I am getting affected by his closeness, I can feel my heart beating un-rhythmically and fast, my breaths starts getting heavy and in those moments it becomes very difficult for me to look him into the eyes and I usually just focus of either escaping or looking at our feet. I have been back at work and being on a leave for a week had taken a toll on the work stress for me but I love my work and so, I don't really mind. Although, due to the increased work load and the overtime, Jai and I hardly get any time to talk but as always Jai has been very understanding of my work commitments and I couldn't thank God enough for giving me someone like Jai.

The driving arrangements have changes now as I have a driver and car to myself which will chauffeur me around anywhere while Jai has one for himself. There are days when I am at work till late and thankfully, my in-laws don't mind it as long as I inform them. I remember how the first day I was supposed to stay overtime, I was nervous that I won't be allowed but Jai assured me that as long as I inform him about my timings, being late won't be an issue. Still, I try and get my work done during office hours or take them home. Another change has been our home office. One of the rooms at the end of our hallway has been refurbished into a home office for Jai and I. There are two tables at opposite sides of the room with chairs facing each other's back and a few shelves over the tables to keep our files, and books, etcetera. I have also started spending my spare time in my safe heaven, library, satisfying my guilty pleasure of reading books which is something I am doing right now.

It's nearly midnight and here I am reading a book and bawling my eyes out, silently. I make sure not to have my tears fall over the book as I am reading it, for some reason overwhelmed with the story. Also, I am a sucker of romantic story, shocker, I know and so when the lead protagonists find their way back to one another after fighting for each other and against each other for years, I am over the edge with emotions. I am reading the last few pages sitting on the comfortable couch in the library with a blanket around me, cocooning me from the harsh winter weather.

"Are you all right?"

"Shoot!" I place my hand over my ferociously beating heart to calm myself.

"Sorry." My husband dearest says sheepishly.

"When will you get better?" I say sighing. Well, yeah in these few weeks there have been numerous times I have jumped and flinched at his sudden appearance much to his amusement.

I return back to my book and once done, I get up and place the book back on the shelf to see Jai still waiting there for me.

"I thought you left." I comment.

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