Chapter 17: One Step Closer

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Jai's POV:
I have been very busy in preparing for the ball and thinking about my feelings for Maira. I still can't get Rishi's question out of my mind. I don't like seeing Maira being so at ease with him. I wanted her to come to this party as I know she'll leave soon and God knows when I will see her again and if I will see her again. Rishi's words about Maira getting married has tensed me but then even I am bound to get married one day.

Today is the party and I am eagerly waiting for it to start. We have many friends, family, and even business tycoons present here today. Dad has an announcement to make which even I am not aware of.

The paparazzi is present outside and even though I don't like it, being royals and rich businessmen comes with its costs. Not being in a metro city has helped us not being in the paparazzi eyes very frequently but nonetheless we are in public eyes more than we would like.

The party has started in full swing and I was standing next to dad trying to socialize and meet big names in business field all the while not thinking about a certain someone whom my eyes cannot find. Maybe a masquerade was a bad idea. But I also know she isn't here or else I would have been able to recognise her. The lightings in the room are not too bright but bright enough for people to recognise each other.

Soon, I hear whispers which kinda reminds me the first time I saw Maira in the office where she was so engrossed in her work that she couldn't care less about the buzzing outside her cabin. I turn around to see what's the buzz about this time and I feel like all the air have been sucked out my chest.

I saw Maira enter with that Rishi guy. I thought he was the last person she would come here with. Whatever...Maybe he needed a ride here. Not like I invited him willingly but then he even helped me. I knew or kinda had a hunch that Maira would need a dress and so I got her dress and it's a total coincidence that I wore matching suit, that is grey suit with white shirt underneath and a black tie. I gave it to Rishi and asked him not to tell Maira about it. I didn't think he would agree so easily but he did for which I am very thankful and lemme tell you the conversation was so awkward. Her mask is reflective of her mysterious aura and I can tell everyone in the room is mesmerized and intrigued by her.

She is clung to Rishi's arm which I don't really like but I'll survive if it means I get to see her. She looks around the palace as if looking for someone but then Rishi whispers something in her ears and she laughs out loud enough to capture everyone's attention.

She seems to realise that people are looking at her cause she drags Rishi to the bar counter. I wear my black mask and move towards the bar counter.

"Hey Maira! It's nice to see you." I shook hands with Rishi and gave him a quick nod which he returned.

"Ohh Hello Prince. I didn't realize it was you.."

"You are looking beautiful."

"You too" What!? I am looking beautiful?!

I see Rishi pinching her arm when she clears throat and gives him a glare.

"So you mean to say I am beautiful? Huh...Amazing choice of words, I would say." I teased.

"Why? Beautiful means good-looking. Just because people use it as a way to define woman doesn't mean that the word is limited to appreciating only a woman. Synonyms of beautiful are handsome, stunning, smart, gorgeous, etcetera all of which can be used for all the genders and are not gender confined. So, now do you have any problem with me calling you beautiful. I hope it doesn't make you feel emasculated." Well no matter how awkward she gets, Maira knows how to have an upper hand on a person. She isn't the one to be proved wrong.

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