Chapter 47: Revelations, Hurt and Confessions

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Jai's POV:

It's been three days since Maira is in the hospital and I haven't left her side even for a minute. Well, I have if you consider using washroom or taking bath here in her hospital room as leaving her. Our families have come everyday to meet her but she has sent them away only after an hour, claiming she doesn't need too many Jais now, and one is enough. She has also not stopped pestering me to take her home or for better tasty food. After asking the doctor, we can finally take her home now, but she still needs to rest a couple of days.

Currently, I am packing her bags with the stuff she has here while she is changing in the washroom before we leave for home. I am almost done when I hear the click from behind me. I turn around to see Maira finally looking like herself in her plain black kurti and white pants. Her head is still bandaged but her face nonetheless returning to its normal colour.

"What are you staring at?" She raises her brows at me.

"You." I state.


"Because it's been too long since my wife looked like her beautiful and pretty self." My compliment causes her to look down with a smile adorning her face.

"Let's go?" I ask her.

"You don't even need to ask. Let's get out of this hellhole right now. Finally, I will go home!" She jumps a little in excitement before I can stop her, causing her to wince due to glass wounds on her sole, almost disrupting her balance and making her fall.

"Maira, if you keep doing this, I might need to get the doctor to have you stay here only." I chide at her. She looks at me, crosses the distance between us before raising both her hands and holding her ears cutely.

"I am sorry, daddy." She says teasingly with a pout.

"Well, miss daughter, you better take care of yourself or else it won't take me a minute to get you admitted again." I say pecking her forehead lovingly.

I hold her hand before we make our way outside. "Maira, are you sure you don't need a wheelchair?" I ask her concerned for her already injured feet.

"Not again, I am not an oldie that I need a wheelchair. Do you realise how embarrassing it will be?" She says whining.

"Well, you are wounded and hurt. It doesn't matter what others think." I tell her seriously.

"But Jai people will look as if I cannot even carry my own weight and need to use the wheelchair for injuries that aren't even visible to them." She says pouting slightly. I heave a sigh before stopping in a secluded corner and turn towards her, dropping the bags on the floor.

"This is the last time I am going to say this. I don't like anyone insulting Mrs. Maira Kapoor Jai Singh Rathore, even if it's her own self degrading her." I say cupping her face in my hands, looking into her gorgeous brown eyes.


"Shhh..." I give her a quick peck before picking up the bags and grabbing her hand, pulling her out of the hospital and to the car that is parked right at the exit.

Soon, we are on our way home and I can see Maira lost in her own thoughts. "You okay?" I ask her.

This seems to break her stance and she just gives a quick nod before placing her forehead against the window, careful not to put pressure over her bandaged forehead wound. I give Maira occasional side glances seeing her dosing off, probably due to all the medicines she is taking.

"Maira, wake up. We are home." I see her eyes flutter slowly and it takes her few minutes to realise where she is. I move to her side and open the door for her to get help her get down. While we are making our way towards the porch steps, I decide to warn Maira.

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